Tuesday, November 22, 2011

same issues

Having had the privilege of being invited to a youth conference here in Russia I was nervous. 
Nervous.  Again.
I am always nervous in a new venue, before new audience.  I have not lived in Russia for almost 20 years.  I am no longer a local.  I don’t feel like I belong. I don’t speak the current slang.  These youth have been born in the post Soviet Russia, the one my family left in the early 90’s.  How can I relate? 
Yet the Lord has made a way.  I was invited, and in the program as the last seminar of an all day conference.  I got there on time, ready with my newly translated power point of my Sex Talk.  Of course they were running 40 minnutes  late.  What else was new? Some things never change. ;)  However they were willing to listen.  I was given an hour, and I knew I could not fit into such a short time frame, regardless of me cutting close to 40 slides from my presentation. 
As I began to speak, and gave a disclaimer about my ability to make up words, and sneak English phrases ones in a while, I started rolling down my power point.  Of course they listened with eagerness and responded to my openness about this taboo area.  I have realized that Russian youth was at an even greater disadvantage, not having access to tons of resources of books, and material available in the States on such topics as dating, and relationships.
They were more timid in their questions via text messages, maybe because they have to pay for roaming on their cell phones still.  I made myself available to meet personally with anyone willing, while I am here, and this proved to me that issues and secrets people carry do not vary from country, nationality or language.  The enemy uses the same tactics to keep people in secret pain, struggling with doubt and fear. 
Although, I sense my calling to work with Slavic Youth in the United States, I am convinced that the information and material I will be compiling will be translated and available in both languages. 
God willing, my mission to Russia continues until early February 2012. 

i am 30

Old or Not?
It IS considered to be ‘OLD’ in teenage eyes, and yet its ‘SO YOUNG’ in mature adult perspective. 
Regardless -  It’s a BIG DATE.  A hurdle.  A time to pause and reflect. To think and analyze.  I would have loved spending it with people who have walked majority of life with me, yet God had another plan.  And here I am, across the ocean, on another continent... celebrating.. thinking.. praying.. surrounded by people God has embedded into my heart.  He planted me into their lives. 
 What will this new stage of life bring for me?!
 Jesus have just started His ministry at Thirty.
And I feel like I will too.
Everything I have done and accomplished so far is meaningless.  There is a new beginning ahead.  I don’t know what it holds for me.  What will it all mean?  But I feel like I am entering a new ‘era’ of my life.   
Something new. 
Something else. 
Something I don’t fully know yet, although have been preparing for – for thirty years. 
What is it?  
I don’t know. 
But I trust.  I can only trust that the One that has been Faithful will continue to be.