Tuesday, November 22, 2011

i am 30

Old or Not?
It IS considered to be ‘OLD’ in teenage eyes, and yet its ‘SO YOUNG’ in mature adult perspective. 
Regardless -  It’s a BIG DATE.  A hurdle.  A time to pause and reflect. To think and analyze.  I would have loved spending it with people who have walked majority of life with me, yet God had another plan.  And here I am, across the ocean, on another continent... celebrating.. thinking.. praying.. surrounded by people God has embedded into my heart.  He planted me into their lives. 
 What will this new stage of life bring for me?!
 Jesus have just started His ministry at Thirty.
And I feel like I will too.
Everything I have done and accomplished so far is meaningless.  There is a new beginning ahead.  I don’t know what it holds for me.  What will it all mean?  But I feel like I am entering a new ‘era’ of my life.   
Something new. 
Something else. 
Something I don’t fully know yet, although have been preparing for – for thirty years. 
What is it?  
I don’t know. 
But I trust.  I can only trust that the One that has been Faithful will continue to be. 

1 comment:

  1. Hugs to you sweet Natasha! Sorry I missed your Birthday Cake!
