Monday, October 31, 2011

6 months

It’s been almost 6 months.   A whole half a year since I have been jobless, and homeless. 
Surprisingly or not my life has been more filled with adventure and provisions than ever before.  I have been on the move, not only through the states but across continents.  God has been providing shelter, and food and everything else I need (and often even want)!  Funny, but the list of all I ‘need’ has diminished tremendously.  I have realized I am in need of very little, when my life belongs to the King of Kings and I do not have much room to put things in.  The number of things I need changes with the space that I have.  The fact that I have to pack all I have into a suitcase, helps me keep focus on not overbuying. (Although I am a slow learner).
I work for the Lord.
Having a conversation with a businessman in Moscow helped me realize what a privilege it is to work for the Lords Company.  Not everyone has the honor of being offered a special full time position in His business.  Working for the Lord’s Company comes with certain challenges and benefits.  Traveling is one that was apparently included in my ‘package deal.’ I don’t mind at all, in fact I am remembering how I dreamed about it years before.  With the Lord – DREAMS COME TRUE!  I am honored to be working for an ‘all-inclusive’ kind of business.  All Sufficient, All Knowing, All Powerful, Mighty, Sovereign God has already allotted all I need to complete His tasks.  That’s His Promise.   I might not yet know of all the ‘bank accounts’ or other 'colleagues' to complete the necessary assignments, but I will know in Due time! For this I am so thankful, and am honored to have a full time/overtime position in such an eternally impactful company.  Although I am still in the ‘training’ period for my new position, I am getting used to it, and am LOVING IT!! 
MY BOSS is GOD – can there be a better leader to follow? J

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