Tuesday, October 4, 2011

imitate me

It was another warm sunny day with lots of people out enjoying the view of a beautiful, majestic, historic capital of the mighty Mother Russia.  My friends and I were walking the touristy streets of Moscow as well. 
Coming upon a green grassy area next to Kremlin, and a huge intersection, the girls and I decided to spread one of our scarfs and just sit down on the grass.  This is a common practice in the States.  I’ve sat in numerous such parks in America, from San Francisco to New York City.  Here, it was just not common.  It was not done.  People just walked on by, hurrying along the beautiful streets.
As we sat there, enjoying the view of Moscow Traffic ahead, and Kremlin wall to our left, we noticed that people began to imitate us.  They started to slow down by the grass.  Some sat down as well, others only to take pictures and hurry on. Some sat to rest for a while.  It was quiet interesting to see how easy it was to set an example and how quickly others will follow.
We prayed.
I love praying in random places like that.  In the middle of cities.  I remember praying with a friend smack in the center of Times Squire in NY.  So here was a time to pray in the heart of Moscow.  I realized during prayer how important it is to ‘set the trend.’  May not only our random acts of behavior be imitated by walking by tourists, but may our lives resemble Christ so it will be worth imitating! 
May our faith, our trust, our devotion our living, be fun and exciting, attractive and vivid, for others to want to imitate, to want to follow, and live devoted to Christ. 
May we imitate the life of Christ, so that we can confidently say: “I urge you to imitate me.”  (1 Cor 4:16)

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