Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Moscow days

“There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven… a time to keep and a time to throw away.. a time to be silent and a time to speak..”  Eccl 3:1,6,7
As I was preparing to set out on my journey, I was throwing and giving away  a lot of things.  Some things I kept.  Although I have realized I was unwise in NOT bringing them to Russia with me.  Like my RAINBOOTS for example.  I kept them, but I left them in Seattle.  In fact I have been leaving some of my things all across the country J. 
Now I have been in Moscow for 2 weeks.  This is the longest time I have stayed here in the Capital of the Mother Land.  Usually it is a quick transit.  This is also a transit stop, although prolonged.  My days here have been filled first with walking thru all the famous spots, and posting numerous pictures on facebook of the beautiful city. 
The last few days I have had the privilege of losing my self (literally) in the streets of Moscow, without even pulling out a camera.  I walk out of a random subway, and just start walking.  I go slow, taking in the Russian life.  I just walk and turn wherever I feel like it.  I pray and think. I slow down and sit on a bench watching the birds.  When it gets late, I wonder the streets until I find another subway to enter the underground world that will take me home. 
It all fascinates me.  It reminds me of childhood. It feels so natural and comfortable, yet I am different. 
I fit in and yet I don’t.
The beautiful architecture covered with modern advertisement.  It’s there, but it doesn’t really belong.
I have realized that “this is a time to be silent.”  God has been teaching me a lot about silence lately (read my SILENCE blog).  It is My turn to be silent.  To not speak to people much.  To listen.  To watch.  To just be.  To be where I am. And I am here, in Moscow.  For now.  
I have had a few very powerful encounters with old friends, or the friends of my parents.  I am humbled as to how God uses them to remind me of His promises, His faithfulness, His truths, and the privileges of working for His Kingdom.  I have been touched through these conversations and for this I am truly thankful.  I guess it is my time to be still, and to receive.  Receive encouragement, and inspiration, receive truth and words of life spoken into me. 
My time of speaking will come again, of this I am certain.  For now, I am so extremely content to just walk, to sit, to stand.  To be in a foreign territory, yet feel so connected.  So close, so familiar, yet so far, different, other. 
What is this?
This external inner feeling.  The distant closeness of it all. 
It’s mine yet it’s not my own. 

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