Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Russian Christmas Craze

“Ill be Home for Christmas.. if only in my dreams”
The mall seems to be the only place where Christmas music is playing, and lights are sparkling, signifying that it is the Christmas Season.
Second Christmas and New Years in Russia. 
What is that all about?
Last year I spent in Chukotka.  The land of darkness and freeze, and not only temperature and nature wise, but spiritually in the hearts of people there.  It was quiet an experience.  This year I am in a mega polis.  The city is roaming with people, spending money.  The life is extremely different here.  I love observing this culture as if its not my own.  And its not.  I don’t belong.  Not that I feel like I belong in the States either.  But this is foreign.  I don’t know this Russia.  Russia RICH with things and people wanting to spend, spend, spend.  This is not the empty shelves and lines of the Soviet Russia that I remember from childhood. 
This nation is developing extremely fast.  The cities resemble so much like the States, except the contrast within the city is so drastic. 

What shocks me most is not the conditions, but the contradiction within which people live.  The city streets are full of lights, and upscale downtown living.  Having Louis Vuitton, Dior and other designer stores on one street, and a couple of blocks away there are private little homes with smoke going up from the chimneys, bathrooms outside as holes in the ground, and lack of indoor plumbing creates a need to hustle water from the well at the corner of the block.  It’s quiet extreme!
The craze of shopping is somewhat fascinating.  Now there is an overabundance of ‘things,’ and people are running wild, purchasing everything and anything.  The Hypermarkets have 90 registers working, and each have a line (Russians love Lines;) )  There are constant restocking going on, because the stores are running out of things, as well as the cleaning lady trying to push thru the people on the cart.  Price checks are run by clerks on rollerblades.  It’s unbelievable, unpredictable, extraordinary.
The NEW Land of Russia.
No further comment. 

Friday, December 16, 2011

seminar in kurgan city

Gods ways are unpredictable and incredible.  After a youth conference that I had here in Yekaterinbrug, I am being invited to several areas around the area.  A youth leader that got married and moved to Yekaterinburg from Kurgan was very persistent to send me to the church and youth that he left behind in Kurgan, a city the middle of Russia, somewhat close to the Khazakhstan border. 
Traveling on a train is typical here in Russia, and I loved riding second class (not third) into the unknown.  This was a first for me to just go by faith without knowing the person who is to meet me and take me in.  It was a lovely simple adventure.  Arriving after midnight, a young lady met me at the station.  It was very chilly out, in -20’s. 
Sunday we got to church, and I was immediately transported back to my childhood, and our conservative underground church in Leningrad.  The simple house turned church, with the bathroom outhouses in the freezing cold. 
As soon as the service began, I was flooded with the memories and the Spirit within me bubbled up with joy for these people simply loved the Lord and praised Him as they knew. 
We had a simple lunch and tea afterwards.  Sitting at the long table with the long benches, brought memory upon memory from my decade spend in Russia growing up prior to moving to the comforts of America. 
The youth seminar was to be held at another church, and youth took the public transportation to get there, enjoying the laughter and company of each other.  I was taken there by car, to escape the icy weather. 
The Seminar. 
It was a blessed time of sharing Gods truth.  With every time I share my seminar is getting more and more polished.  After receiving numerous questions via text messages and email I have realized the importance of explaining the wisdom of God in designing the human body.  The main portion that has been added here in Russia, is sharing the truth about Gods Design for human body, which is teaching simple physiology, talking about menstrual cycle and wet dreams.  This is becoming a vital aspect of my seminars and it was great fun with not knowing the right terminology for everything in Russian.  The comfort and simplicity with which I share these topics are surprising even myself.  The youth said that they have never had anyone share with them on any of these topics. 
This trip was a gift for me.  A travel back in time sort of.  I was truly honored and blessed to meet my brothers and sisters in the deep center of Russia.  An unexpected financial gift that exceeded the amount I paid for train tickets, completely shocked me.  Even in the remote, cold Russian village, God is taking care of me.  I am never alone.  Never forgotten.  Loved, and taken care of.  For this I am overwhelmed with gratitude. 
I felt like such a foreigner on the way back, in my uggs, earphones blasting worship music, my water bottle and starbucks thermos cup.  The train glided thru the forest of a winter wonderland, that I unfortunately was not able to capture on camera.  This trip and the train ride, is one of those rare moments we have in life that we are overflowing with contentment and are unable to explain the bouquet of emotions.  This moment is simply engraved as a permanent sweet memory in my heart. 

Friday, December 9, 2011


I don’t know how this miracle is going to happen, but I believe it will.  $100,000 to pay off all my student loans and than some.  For ministry purposes.  Lord – HOW? 
I don’t know How. 
When God called me to sell all I have and make myself available for His purposes, I had One BIG question in mind.  WHAT ABOUT MY STUDENT LOANS? I owe about $60,000.
 The question from God to my question was simple: “Don’t you think I can easily give you $100,000?”
I had to ‘argue’ with God a little bit, and said: “I don’t really need 100 I only need 60.” 
But the question remained.  Which triggered a bigger question – DO I BELIEVE, OR DO I DOUBT that God can provide such an amount? 
It was a struggle to begin and tell people about this need and ask them to pray for it.  I knew I would look insane asking them to pray for such an amount.  But more so, I trust that God is going to deliver.
The question is not really HOW – but WHEN?
When will I see this miracle?
When will I be completely and fully free?
When will I be able to fulfill Your purposes Lord, and bring You glory?
The matter is simple to BELIEVE in the meanwhile.  Prior to the promise being fulfilled.
Having Faith.
Simple Trust.
Hoping in the unseen. 
Being faithful.
Having life go on.  Believing in something unbelievable. 
Thru whom?
Am I yet to be considered crazy to believe in something like this?
Yet I believe!
Am I yet to tell more people about my insane and naïve faith?  About my crazy trust and insane dependence?
Please keep me dependent always – as long as it takes to teach me Your Ways.
I want to already testify about Your Provision.
But meanwhile the miracle is in progress, all I have to rely on is FAITH. 
I believe and Those Who Believe – RECEIVE.
You’ve set me free from sin and death, please set me free financially.
This I pray in Jesus name, For Your Glory!