Friday, December 9, 2011


I don’t know how this miracle is going to happen, but I believe it will.  $100,000 to pay off all my student loans and than some.  For ministry purposes.  Lord – HOW? 
I don’t know How. 
When God called me to sell all I have and make myself available for His purposes, I had One BIG question in mind.  WHAT ABOUT MY STUDENT LOANS? I owe about $60,000.
 The question from God to my question was simple: “Don’t you think I can easily give you $100,000?”
I had to ‘argue’ with God a little bit, and said: “I don’t really need 100 I only need 60.” 
But the question remained.  Which triggered a bigger question – DO I BELIEVE, OR DO I DOUBT that God can provide such an amount? 
It was a struggle to begin and tell people about this need and ask them to pray for it.  I knew I would look insane asking them to pray for such an amount.  But more so, I trust that God is going to deliver.
The question is not really HOW – but WHEN?
When will I see this miracle?
When will I be completely and fully free?
When will I be able to fulfill Your purposes Lord, and bring You glory?
The matter is simple to BELIEVE in the meanwhile.  Prior to the promise being fulfilled.
Having Faith.
Simple Trust.
Hoping in the unseen. 
Being faithful.
Having life go on.  Believing in something unbelievable. 
Thru whom?
Am I yet to be considered crazy to believe in something like this?
Yet I believe!
Am I yet to tell more people about my insane and naïve faith?  About my crazy trust and insane dependence?
Please keep me dependent always – as long as it takes to teach me Your Ways.
I want to already testify about Your Provision.
But meanwhile the miracle is in progress, all I have to rely on is FAITH. 
I believe and Those Who Believe – RECEIVE.
You’ve set me free from sin and death, please set me free financially.
This I pray in Jesus name, For Your Glory!

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