Sunday, January 22, 2012

from Russia with love

Last Hour in Russia.
These  months have been incredible.  I’ve done so many things I never planned to do, and I didn’t do some of the things that I did plan to do.  But God has provided a time of rest and a season change that I have never expected.  I am blessed.  I am blessed to be surrounded by people devoted to the Lord.  Being with the Grin Families has been incredible.  Such an example of living completely dependent on God.  Trusting their lives, existence and children into His care and protection, and relying solely on His provision.  That was inspiring and encouraging.  Being able to share Gods truth in cities that I have never even heard of.  Train rides, and long walks.  Heartfelt talks and prayers.  Lots of tea and food that is oh, so good.  There were tons of little ways that God displayed His protection and care.  I never lacked a thing.  In fact God spoiled me some.  For His ways that are beyond my understanding I am so thankful.
What waits for me as I cross the ocean once more? I do not know. But the peace is heavy upon my heart.  I am a daughter of the King of Kings, what do I have to worry about? Whatever life brings, I know that nothing compares to eternal value of Gods grace.

Being in the Moscow airport always makes me want to leave Russia and quick.  If its not them making me throw away rocks form North pole (which has happened twice to me in previous years), its them making me pay for extra luggage or whatever else they decide to do.  And the funniness of having to go pay at another register and then bringing back the receipt reminds me of the Soviet days.  Russians like to make you go places, there is no such thing as one-stop-all.  Then just as I settled in the waiting area, they made an announcement for everyone to get out because they are going to start security check.  Well soon I will be in the comforts of American lifestyle again.  Regardless of where I am, I know that I still am ‘in transit’ while I am on this side of heaven.  For I am a citizen of a heavenly dwelling, and I can’t wait to finish all there is for me to do, and get HOME!

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