Wednesday, March 21, 2012

sex or no sex

To Husband and Wife: “Do not deprive each other.. so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self control.”  1 Corinthians 7:5
Yesterday I spoke with a friend of mine, and she shared something profound with me.  That in marriage a wife often tries to ‘punish’ her husband by withholding sex from him and THAT actually opens up the door wide open for Satans temptations. 
Interesting that before marriage Satan tempts people TO HAVE SEX. 
And after marriage the temptation is NOT TO HAVE SEX.
Both open the door for Satans influence and works against ourselves, because it is out of Gods Design.
So in marriage, a husband and wife should NOT deprive each other because it will bring division.  Yet before marriage people MUST DEPRIVE their own bodies, and each other so that it will NOT bring division later in marriage.
Bottom line:
SEX outside of marriage is destructive.
NO SEX in marriage is destructive. 


  1. That's Right girly! Wives who choose to use this popular punishment, Open the Door of Temptation wide open of letting Satan tempt their husbands outside of their home/marriage!!! Don't Open that Door Ladies!!! You can tell him that you're MAD at him....whatever the issue might be, BUT you're not Stupid;)Shut the door and Have Sex!

  2. so true...... p.s we like your pic;)
