Monday, November 18, 2013


When was the last time you have REALLY checked your MOTIVE for your various commitments or for doing whatever it is you are doing?
Are you doing something becuase you WANT TO? Or, is it because you HAVE TO?
Just this morning I have realized that the Lord is waiting for my Willingness.  That my agreement to do something is no longer out of OBLIGATION but out of WILLINGNESS.
Doing things out of willingness instead of obligation. Wow.
Thats Freedom!
That's GRACE!
Not because you have to, but because you want to.
The Lord came to earth to save us - not because of an obligation - but because of LOVE, because He wanted to.
And I just realized that He wants me to LiVE and do the same. 
To Truly live.
Not because "I MUST."
But because "I GET TO."

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