Wednesday, April 25, 2012

church planting in RUSSIA this summer

“The days are coming,” declares the SovereignLord, “when I will send a famine through the land – not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the Lord.”  Amos 8:11
This is the verse that the last tsar of Russia received before being executed by communists.
When Russia lost its King, it lost GOD also.  That was almost 100 years ago. Although it has been 20 years since the fall of communism in Russia, yet the nation is still in famine for God’s Word.
Ekaterinburg, is the third largest city in this great nation, with over 2 million people and only about 2,000 believers in the whole region.  Because this is the city is where the tsar and his family were assassinated, it is the center of Russian Orthodoxy. Yet people are on a search for a true meaning of life, and are hungry for a relationship with their Creator.   
Several missionary families from Chukotka, Moldova and the U.S have recently relocated to this city, and beginning a church planting project in an area that has no church. 
We have a great opportunity this summer to come along aside the very beginning of a church plant.  Oasis Chamber Choir is planning a trip to Ekaterinbrug July 15-30th, 2012.   We are hoping that Oasis coming to the city, putting on concerts and bringing awareness to this newly founded church, will draw people and help the missionaries gather individuals to begin studying the word of God. 
It takes a lot of energy, time, money and preparation to put on a project like this, and we can not do this alone.  As the choir is sacrificing its resources, will you consider helping us in this cause?  Please consider helping us raise the $25,000 needed for the trip (flight prices are not included in the budget for they are covered by each member individually). 
We Believe that TOGETHER we can plant yet another church, a house of prayer where people can begin to feed on the truth of Gods word.
Please consider supporting us in following ways:
*  PRAY FOR THIS PROJECT, for miracles of provision, safety and direction. 
*  PURCHASE GIFTS for the Missonary Families (email me @ for specific needs)
*  SUPPORT THIS PROJECT FINANCIALLY (all donations are tax deductible) 
o   Make checks out to Connect International (memo: Oasis) mail to:
Connect Internationl 4366 Auburn Blvd, St3, Sacramento, CA  95841
o   Donate Online to Ekaterinburg Mission Project.

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