Monday, April 23, 2012

delighting in the Grandeur of God

As I was going through my leftover boxes I found this book.  I remember getting it at some close out bookstore sale for just a couple of dollars.  Flipping through the pages I was reminded why I didn’t get rid of this book with the others, as I was purging my life.  The beauty of the photographs and the truth written pierces my soul. 
I have never been fond of science, but remember how this book grabbed my attention, because of its simple explanation of some of life's phenomena’s and portrayal of those wonders in Gods Word. 
It is a treasure I do not want to conceal to collect dust in a box, and thus I thought I would share it with you all within the next few blogs.
I am taking the time to retype a book, so I hope you will take the time to read the blog.  One a time.
Let us Delight in the Grandeur of our God, together.

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