Thursday, May 17, 2012

sexy deception

Pre-marital sex is based on deception. 
There is a pretty steamy story in the bible of a prince named Amnon who raped his half-sister Tamar.  Found in 2 Samuel 13:10-19.  He had to pretend to be sick and needy to have her come and serve him.  He played on her compassion and took advantage of her.  She did say “NO!” but he disregarded her unwillingness.
Weather two people consent to the act or not, any pre-marital sex is deceiving.  They believe it will bring them closer, they will satisfy their inner hunger for love and burning passion.  But neither their love nor their lust gets satisfied. 
It is such a deception, because it is Not Gods Design.
People are left empty and broken emotionally and with a deeper cave sexually.  So their need on both ends is not satisfied but widened.  Thus they are deceived when they engage in it. 
I am saddened that so many buy into the lie. 
Even though the culture changes, Gods moral code never alters.
"Creator Knows Best what He Made."
When will THAT truth prevail?

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