Tuesday, May 29, 2012

1 year on Gods salary...

It’s been a year since I have quit my job, sold my stuff and followed Jesus.
And it has been an incredible year!  Being in several states and in Russia for 4 months has taught me to
TRUST GOD for Direction & TRUST GOD for Finances!

I have realized that working with hearts of people it is impossible to measure results of your work.  People do not tend to say very clearly how your presence, presentations and prayers have impacted them.  Often they might not even know themselves, because it’s the Holy Spirit Who teaches and touches their hearts, I am only available for Him to use me if He wishes. 

So I can’t tell you how many lives I have changed, because I am actually incapable of changing or impacting anything, it’s all JESUS Who is in me when it’s no longer I who live but He!! I can however share with you a quote that an 18 year old young man wrote to me after one of the seminars: “I want to thank you for coming and teaching us about this topic.  I grew up without my dad, and my mom never taught me about this topic.  I had sexual activity with a lot of girls and I thought that it was natural.  But after you taught us I learned that all the world has to offer is a lie.  Thanks to you for coming here and teaching us, and thanks for saving my marriage life.”

“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:18

I want to THANK YOU for your prayers, your encouragement and support because without it I would not be able to continue and walk this wild path.  I cannot tell you enough how much your text messages, emails and face book messages inspire and encourage me.  You are a tool in Gods hand and for this I am so thankful!  

I would like to share with you what God has placed on my heart for year number 2. 

First of all I have been encouraged and see a great need to centralize information and resources into a WEBSITE.  This would be available in both languages and target both youth and parents if they wish to access available resources and support.  I also want to create a mentorship network, available for teens and young people to get support via email or text.  This would require finding adequate mentors who have walked their own path of healing as well as share the passion for seeing people overcome addictions and struggles in their sexuality and relationships.  Please pray for God to prepare many workers for this field of work. 

Besides the website I am going to continue to travel and speak in whatever churches God will open the doors. I am praying about visiting several churches on the East Coast with a message of Gods Original Design for Sex.  I am also praying about going back to Russia with Oasis Chamber Choir during the Christmas season to help plant a new local church in a mega polis of Ekaterinburg, the third largest city in Russia.

The more time I spent listening to peoples stories the more my heart is broken for how much struggle and pain people are in.  Young people in our community are struggling with issues of addictions to pornography, dealing with distorted perception of self, God and others because of childhood sexual abuse, and are dealing with identity confusion due to same sex attractions that they might be experiencing.  I am praying that God will not only give me a glimpse into the heart of His people but direct me to help them return back to the only One who can really help!

Will you please consider partnering with me and supporting this work prayerfully as well as financially?  As God is teaching me to rely on Him for Finances, I want to challenge you to DO THE SAME!  Please pray and seek His will on how much you can donate at this time.  As I do not charge for any of the seminars or ministry involvement that I do, I rely solely on Gods provision thru HIS faithful servants, like You! 
You can now sign up and become a monthly supporter with Automatic Withdrawal available on line.  Consider signing up monthly for a small amount of $40. I need regular monthly supporters so I can sustain my monthly phone bill which is my main way of staying connected with teens and churches.   Also your support will insure that I will be able to visit more churches that are unable to cover my flight expense, whose youth also needs to hear the message of Truth. 
I pray for God to reward you as you step out and trust His impact in something that is Unseen, which is eternal.
With MUCH LOVE and THANKFULNESS, Natasha                                                                                             
for more details of my trips go to my previous blogs :)

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