Thursday, June 14, 2012

oops... a father of another

We were sitting at a friend’s house having tea. 
The kids were playing upstairs, periodically running down to check on their parents.
A little girl came to whisper something into her daddy’s ear and ran upstairs again to play.  As we mingled, her dad moved to the couch and his chair was occupied by another.  Another father. 
The little girl ran up to the chair in which her father sat, where she left him.  Without looking up she stood, oh so close, to a father of another.  Noticing our persistent looks, she grew timid and leaned into the safety of her ‘fathers’ shoulder.  Only to make us laugh, embarrassed, she at last recovered from her mistake and entered her real fathers open arms, she melted into his embrace. 
Oh how this sweet little scene reminded me of one within.  Within my heart I often too, come up to things familiar, to where I think my Father is.  Without realizing the hard truth that God has moved, and in His place another occupies His space. 
Oh how often do I too lean into something that once I knew was where my Father dwelt.
 If I am not careful to check, if I don’t raise my eyes to see, I too could easily be deceived. 
And when I try to find comfort here, all of a sudden I realize, He is no longer there. 

1 comment:

  1. Aha interesting. Is this after our conversation?
    I love the metaphor.
