Thursday, July 26, 2012

invisible me

Feeling invisible or like “no one understand” or “no one really knows me,” "no one sees."
Those feelings are true BECAUSE we are unwilling to share of ourselves.
The wounds that are received in childhood and throughout life – cover us up.
There is pain, then there is shame.  And to cover that up there are layers and layers of control, success, perfection, achievement, or depression, addiction..
Just like Adam and Eve we go deeper and deeper into the bushes.  Hiding from ourselves, each other and God.
We make excuses just like they did. We point fingers. We plainly play weak.  But all God wants is for us, His kids, to take off the layers and show the root of our pain. 
The wound.
The hurt.
Whomever caused it.  Whatever circumstances. 
In order for us to be free who we are, one thing is needed – Exposure.
Yet we ourselves are often deceived. 
I think I am genuine, but when I start praying “God search my heart – set me on the right path.” The work begins.  I turn back and realize how fake I was, and all I’ve done to cover ‘me’ up.
Oh no more!
Lord, No More, do I want to live covered up.  Invisible. Not showing my heart. 
I want to be who You made me to be. 
 Help me see the wounds in me, You want to mend.
 I don’t want to try and make my own remedies.  I run to the cross – set me free.
Please expose ME!

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