Wednesday, September 5, 2012

off radar

As I embraced Gods call to silence and Real Rest, I was washed over with a longing to hide. 
To really escape.  To run away. To be alone.  To be without a phone!
My phone is such a link for me. It keeps me connected not only with friends and family, but with teens, and people in general.  There is no distance or time or space with an internet in my hand.
When I travel I feel like I always have a crowd with me through the facebook app.  My camera and instagram have replaced my big Nikon and digital Cannon.  I do more work on my phone than I do on my comp. 
And so, as I began to accept Gods call and my need to really rest, I realized that I wont be able to unless I completely abandon my computer and iphone too. 
I was dreaming to escape to the coast where there is no service. That’s always easiest instead of putting your own will to the test. 
The circumstances seem to forbid such escape.  Yet my heart still longs to seclude itself.  To cut off all communication with the rest.  No emails, or facebook, no talking and No Texts.  To go completely ‘under the radar,’ for a Real Rest.
Don’t know when or how that will be.  But I want this cut off from the world and full serenity!
 I want my SEARCH to be for the Father above, oh how I long to be RECONNECTED with His great Love.  I want to HIBERNATE in His sweet embrace. I want to CHARGE up with His power, His Word and to just seek His face. 
In this seasons lesson of “just be” I want to run away into His SECURITY.  There seems to be some VIRUSES that I picked up along the way.  I want Him to INSTALL His will and purpose, to SAVE His Truths deep within my system, REBOOT me completely, so I can RUN like new.
So, if you will not receive any answers to my texts, if you wont see any posts, or pictures on facebook, than know that I have finally DISCONNECTED and went completely Undetected – off radar!!!

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