Monday, September 22, 2014


pro·cras·ti·nate verb \prə-ˈkras-tə-ˌnāt, prō-\
: to be slow or late, to put off intentionally the doing of something that should be done.
: to delay doing something until a later time
: putting off impending tasks to a later time, sometimes to the “last minute” before the deadline

Isn’t it just like the Lord to put off, and delay something that to ME is so important and that I think should be done? 

Who else has experienced this?
Who has prayed, and waited, and trusted, and anticipated, and it seems like God just keeps putting off accomplishing something that is so crucial to me. 

Who else has noticed this?
Our God likes to procrastinate.  To INTENTIONALLY put off doing something.  He likes to wait, and wait.   He is not in a rush.  Time is all His. In fact, He is outside of time therefore it doesn’t really matter how long things take in our time measurement. 
He likes to WAIT.  And He wants us to be like Him. 
So He is constantly making us practice.
He is a great procrastinator.  J
Not one of those unreliable people that actually never get around to doing something they promised.  But He delays INTENTIONALLY, and ALWAYS Fulfills.  And it turns out to be RIGHT ON TIME, doesn’t it!?
So does that mean that my deadline is wrong or His? Who is off here, Him or me?

During His intentional delay my faith is being stretched, and depending on the strength of that spiritual muscle – and how often it is exercised, it can either hurt, or feel good, when stretched. 

I am humbled to realize and acknowledge that this faith stretching at the moment is actually feeling good.  Like stretching muscles after a good workout.  This latest stretch of faith feels amazing!  It hurts just a little, but its good kind of hurt.  One that I know will produce perseverance, and maturity.  Contentment of the deepest kind.

....anticipating to see how God comes thru this time with His delay. :)

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