Thursday, July 28, 2011

Surprise!! sacramento

My friend Angela and I have been friends for over 15 years.  Beginning in about February she has begun telling me that she is going to have a BIG 30th Birthday party this year, and that I better be there.  As I was getting ready to leave California with an uncertain return date, she kept persisting in the fact that I MUST be at her birthday.  I kept saying that it is impossible for me to just fly in for that.  That it would be around a $300 expense that I just could not afford, with my new lifestyle of – Nothing. 
As summer approached her persistence intensified.  She used all kinds of measures to persuade me.  She bribed me with a deal of not having to give her any birthday gifts for the next 10 years, stating it was a great deal if I look at it in the long run.  She had all kinds of attempts.  I couldn’t believe how insistent she was on me being there.  With all that determination, I began to pray for God to make a way for me to surprise her on her special day. 
My friend kept asking, kept telling, kept nagging about me coming, and I just couldn’t resist. The verse that God has been solidifying in my heart lately is Matthew 7:8 “Those who Ask, RECEIVE.” And He made a way for me to purchase the tickets to be in Sacramento for her party.  I was vividly seeing the truth of that verse.
“Although he will not get up and supply him anything because he is a friend, yet because of his shameless persistence and insistence he will get up and give him as much as he needs.    For everyone who asks and keeps on asking receives.” (Luke 11:8,10)
My short visit to Sacramento was a gift for me as well as for my friend.  It was an honor to be at her party, which proved to be a lovely event.  I loved surprising many other friends with my sudden appearance. 
Besides seeing my sweetest nieces and nephew, and visiting with family, there were many other pleasant moments in my week.   Kessie assisted me in surprising Kathy.  I showed up in Fresno unexpected just on the day Zina and Larisa returned from their missions trip in Portugal and Spain.  Spent a lovely early morning breakfast with Lida & Gena, and visited Edik & Lilya's new home. 
I met with my sweetest friend Anichka Tyulyu at Crepeville, one of our favorite spots.  My last bittersweet quick stop was at Alternatives PC on my way to the airport.  Overall it was a good visit filled with excitement and an opportunity to finish sorting thru my things.  
Thru this week, there was also a sense of confirmation that I must leave Sacramento.  Being gone 1 month in obedience to the Lord, and having a chance to return just solidified for me the need to venture out unto the path that the Lord is laying out for me.  I am more confident than ever that HE will take care of me.  And if I shall ever be in need, I can just ask…  For I am convinced, that everyone who asks – receives!!
3 friends for years

my nieces

kessie, sam & i

my sweet kathy

first tea party upon their return

larisa & zina telling of their mission trip to portugal & spain

The Kitsen Fam @ their new home

another Kitsen fam, after our early breakfast-prayer date

cutest eva dyadchenko

my friend anya tb

crepeville, sacramento

@ center in my ex-office.  Missed my peeps!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

reality check in Florida

The world is getting smaller, the older I get.  It amazes to meet people along the way, and be reconnected with them years later.  Being invited to Florida, thru a gal I knew in college days, proved to be such a gift to my soul. 

 As I came back from Kiev, and had a week in NYC to recuperate and prepare for a week of speaking to 60 teenagers at a Teen Bible School in Jacksonville Florida, I began to experience similar discouragement attacks that I used to have as I began working full time in the Pregnancy Center ministry.   
The fierce arrows of lies were the same:
“What do you have to say?” 
        “The task is too big!” 
   “Who will listen to you anyway." 
“You are so rusty in doing this, you have not spoken for months.” 
          “You don’t even have anything to offer.” 
And on and on.   
The enemy is not creative in making up new lies, however the reality of the once he sends are pretty vivid, and they do plant DOUBT.  How I hate that.  That week was so difficult, filled with a vivid fight within my heart.  It didn’t help that I forgot all my computer cords and my hard drive with my power points in Ukraine.  I had to completely rely on the Lord this time.  Like FULLY.  And here I was fighting such spiritual opposition.  It was not new to me; I was able to identify the lies for what they were, but knowing what they are, didn’t alter my ‘feelings’ right away. 

I realized that choosing to focus on the TRUTH, is like making yourself run stairs to the top of the Empire State Building.  It was extremely difficult.  Yet I understood that God was giving me an incredible opportunity to speak His Truth to 60 young souls.   
What a Gift!   
Such an Honor!   
I was being entrusted with young hearts, and a chance to help them learn and identify the lies that the world was shoving at them.  Lies about sex, and relationships, about choices and their own personal value.  Regardless of how I felt, I stood up and took up my shield of Faith, and Sword of the Spirit which is the word of God.  I claimed the promise of God that the Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me, to proclaim freedom for the captives (Isaiah 61:1). And packed my bags for Florida.

Little did I realize how God wanted to spoil me there.  Besides the comfortable room I stayed in, a car to drive and daily visits to the beach, the teens receptiveness of the message was the biggest reward.

From the first day, seeing the beautiful faces of young people, eagerly hanging on the words I spoke, was evidence enough of Gods purpose in all of this.  I was entrusted with hearing some of their stories, and my heart ached for how hard it was for them to navigate the corrupted world they lived in, without any support, understanding or guidance from their parents, who were extremely distant from teen reality. 

Even now, I can see their eyes in my mind, so young, and full of life.  Pure innocence tainted with the sinfulness of the world.  Living in a dump, it is extremely difficult for young people to keep their paths clean. 
Every day, after class I was humbled by a standing ovation as I walked out of the classroom, and headed to the beach to pray for their precious hearts.   

The walks on the beach with the Lord, proved to be my lifeline during the week of this battle.  Sitting in His presence, breathing the freshness of the air, I was comforted by a renewed passion to be bold in proclaiming truth in the face of worldly deception.   Remembering the respect teens displayed and readiness to listen the stories and facts that I boldly shared with them gave me strength for the next day. 

 The week went by all too fast.  On the plane, as I was reading their little thank you notes written in my book, I couldn’t hold back the tears.  The REALITY that our teens, 13-16 year olds, are in need of Recovery more than Prevention, is hard to accept.   
  I continue to pray that the seed sown in their hearts, will find fertile ground and that they will take active steps in plowing the weeds of the enemy. 

 These are just a few, from the LONG list of replies to the question of “What will you remember FOREVER from the week with Natasha”:
-          Sex is good as long as you’re married
-          The world is knocking the price down
-          Sex is only Great in God’s way
-          Don’t wait for the perfect person, Become One
-          Treat guys/girls like you would want your spouse to be treated
-          It is not impossible to be a virgin for hands & lips
-          If you find a guy that wants your body and doesn’t even protect you, RUN!
-          God wants you to have the best sex ever!
-          Sex is great only in Marriage!
-          U-Turns are allowed in life
-          To start training now!
-          All of her funny stories!


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

upside down kingdom

 Here I was sitting in my Manhattan of all the places.. Just enjoying myself in the beautiful, new High Line Park.  Reading “Radical” by David Platt, thinking how true it was that “success in the kingdom of God involves moving down, not up.” (pg.80) I began pondering about my life..
    When I completed my master’s degree, and moved back to California to begin my career. I got a job with a good salary and all the benefits.  After working there for less than a year I realized how miserable I was.  I begged God to either give me the strength to go on, or to move me.  He chose the latter.  

My volunteering at Alternatives Pregnancy Center followed by an offer of a full time position, which involved losing all the health benefits and lower  salary.  However I could not be happier working there.  After 4 years of being in ‘Gods University’ at Alternatives, He taught me tremendous truths about Himself and His love for people, after certain healing He has done in my own heart, He called me to leave that ministry, and sell all the things I have accumulated over the years.  I followed His call and quit the professional world altogether.  I lost the stable salary, and connected with a Missions Organization (Connect International living off ‘pay’ that I had to raise myself.  I went thru extreme purging of my closet, and personal library, giving away tons of scarves, espresso machines, books and other things.  

 Here I was, ‘unemployed’ in the eyes of the world, sitting in Manhattan.  With people in business suits rushing just down the block to their million dollar offices, missing out on the life they continuously try to improve.  

I couldn’t be happier, being 'employed' by the Creator of the Universe Himself.  

I took a deep breath. 
  It began to rain.  
  I continued to sit when everyone else rushed for cover.  I didn’t have to rush anywhere, I didn’t care if I got soaked, in fact I haven’t played in the rain since careless college days. I kept reading: “He was calling them to abandon their careers.  They were reorienting their entire life’s work around discipleship to Jesus.  Their plans and dreams were now being swallowed up in His.” 

 Enjoying the outpour of Gods vivid blessing, I couldn’t help but smile up at the sky that seemed to overspill its riches of living water, drenching me in it, solidifying the Truth that “One can be extremely Rich without having much Stuff here on earth.”    


Monday, July 4, 2011

created reflects the Creator

"What if He did this to make the riches of His glory known to the objects of His mercy?"  Romans 9:23

This is incredible.  God bears and has patience on the sin of man in order to reveal the riches of His glory to those He loves.  To the objects of His mercy.
To Me.

Looking at the people walking the streets of New York City.... Watching God's chosen people (decedents of Israel) still focusing on the works to attain righteousness.  My heart is overwhelmed with Gods love for His creation.. for mankind.  He patiently waits, longing to save. 
People aimlessly walk with a purposeful face.  Their hearts on a search, they pursue a better life.  Hurrying along without noticing the One.  The
Breath of Life.

People have built a majestic city.  It sure does display the wisdom of designers; the splendor of architectures, the worker of construction, yet all these things must point to the Maker.  The Maker of man.  Their ability to create is a mere reflection of the Creator.
Yet people continue on with their way, even going to the church, the synagogue or the temple to pray.  Continuously try to appease their maker.  They worship with their lips, yet their hearts are far from His. 
Gazing at the design of man, the reflection of God it posses, my heart quietly sits and in their hurried faces I recognize myself.