Monday, July 4, 2011

created reflects the Creator

"What if He did this to make the riches of His glory known to the objects of His mercy?"  Romans 9:23

This is incredible.  God bears and has patience on the sin of man in order to reveal the riches of His glory to those He loves.  To the objects of His mercy.
To Me.

Looking at the people walking the streets of New York City.... Watching God's chosen people (decedents of Israel) still focusing on the works to attain righteousness.  My heart is overwhelmed with Gods love for His creation.. for mankind.  He patiently waits, longing to save. 
People aimlessly walk with a purposeful face.  Their hearts on a search, they pursue a better life.  Hurrying along without noticing the One.  The
Breath of Life.

People have built a majestic city.  It sure does display the wisdom of designers; the splendor of architectures, the worker of construction, yet all these things must point to the Maker.  The Maker of man.  Their ability to create is a mere reflection of the Creator.
Yet people continue on with their way, even going to the church, the synagogue or the temple to pray.  Continuously try to appease their maker.  They worship with their lips, yet their hearts are far from His. 
Gazing at the design of man, the reflection of God it posses, my heart quietly sits and in their hurried faces I recognize myself. 

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