Waking up in the morning, and the only thing I hear is myself breathing. It’s quiet. We are in the Ukranian village, far away, secluded, simple, still. It’s lovely. People live here. People survive, and they are fine. The eat fresh food that they raise themselves in their little yards, they have chickens, and unprocessed milk from cows they or their neighbors own. No one is worried that they will get food poisoning or sue the cow owner.
It all tastes different.
As organic as you can get.
The cherries off the tree in the yard have little worms in them at times. Little worms. When the fruit is sweet, fresh and without any pesticide it is attacked by worms. They want its natural goodness. This makes me think if what we have in the States is any better. Yes we do not have the worms or bugs but they are killed by chemicals and thus the products are all chemically induced.
And what about our faith? What about our organic state of the heart?
Are we so pasteurized and chemically induced in order to keep the ‘worms’ away that our own natural, organic state is changed. The taste of it is changed as well. The taste of Faith, of Christ, and His church is altered. Interesting that the worms attack the sweetest fruit. The fruit that is naturally flavorful. Are we doing it any good that we are so chemically processed that we are no longer natural and do not strive to be filled with the real juices of the Holy Spirit, which will cause opposition and attack. We are all the same. Equal. Sterilized. Processed. To produce equal product. Quantity is what we seem to strive for. We can supply the world with our fruit, yet is it good?

Our Dinner!! |
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