Since I don’t have much time in the city, Katya our friend, did a quick drive by for us to see at least some of the pretty ancient city. It was surprisingly empty and no traffic for 8 am, yet lovely.
We stopped by Coffee House for a quick breakfast before heading to the train station a block away.
The first 3 choices of what we wanted the response was “We are out of that.” How typical of the mother land.

When we got all our bags on the train, and settled, we noticed that a man in our compartment had a book “Life of Jesus Christ.” Asking Him if he believes in what he is reading, we began an incredible long conversation about life, and missions, work, and church, with a fellow brother in Christ. How awesome is our God that He has provided another Christian for us on this journey. We were inspired by His stories of the work God is doing through him in the villages around Ukraine, and believe that it was mutually encouraging for him to meet with. How Small is our world, and it all belongs to our Incredible Father, and He chooses to introduce His children to each other, sometimes in the most random of circumstances. What a blessing.
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