Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Cisinau - Kishinev, Moldova

Stefan Chilmare - the most famous spot in Kishinev, that we would always meet at. 

my favorite people

vstrecha s Litnevskimi :)
Girls Tea party 2 days before the Wedding.

Guys Hang Out. Same time & place as girls tea party. 

Saying Good bye to our dear Mr & Mrs Kitsen.    

Our time in Moldova has been One Huge Blessing.  The week before the wedding was extremely relaxing.  Staying in the beautiful home of the Bride’s family, we truly enjoyed sleeping in, and eating in, and just relaxing spending time chatting on the balcony. 

The custom is that people spend most of their time outside during the summer, they even have ‘summer kitchens’ where they cook during these months, where we gladly joined them. 
Everywhere we stayed welcomed us with open arms.  Most of these people have a gift of hospitality, and all of them continuously tried to feed us something.  Tea is a given, and plus with that is all kinds of yummy good food, that we have missed so much from childhood, so we continued to ‘taste’ all the food.  It’s delicious and hard to resist.  We spent many hours chatting about life.  It was a blessing to be surrounded with people who as well are experiencing the call of the Lord to uproot and move as missionaries to unknown to them location. 

After their honeymoon, Alik & Olya are moving to Chukotka to serve as missionaries in the north pole.
Olyas parents, are moving to Ekaterinburg, as part of the team that is relocating there to plant a church and begin ministry in the big city. 
The Grin brothers (Maksim & Slava) with their families are also moving there and all the conversations right now are about the change that is about to take place.
The Mokan Family that we stayed with are also part of this team.  The conversations involved talks of selling their homes and belongings and uprooting completely from Moldova. 

It was a privilege for us to hear all their stories, their testimonies and how the Lord has called them to missions.  What an honor to be surrounded by people who answer the call, who say YES to the Lord.  It’s extremely encouraging.  Here was Zina & Larisa who are preparing to move to Spain to serve as long term missionaries.  And myself, as God is uprooting me from everything familiar and calling me to be mobile, and possibly visiting all of these places, and others, to go wherever He sends me, with the message of Hope, Truth, Love, and Life that HE desires for His creation. 
It was a gift from the Lord for us to be surrounded by people who are devoted completely to Christ’s commission. Having such people in my life, fuels the drive to go out and live boldly for God.  Although soon we will all be separated by thousands of miles, our hearts burn with the same passion for Christ, and His mission to spread His good news of salvation. 
Wherever on the planet we will be, we know that we belong, because we are part of One Big Family of the Lord.  We are siblings by the blood of Jesus.  We are one in Him.  Whatever difficulties I shall face anywhere on earth, I know I have people who will understand, encourage and support me, even if they are across the ocean and accessible only via SKYPE or Facebook. 

It is a Small World, God holds in His hand. 

1 comment:

  1. Аминь Наташа! Мы были очеь тоже рады провести время вместе !!!
