Thursday, June 2, 2011

Pounds Disappearing

The long awaited day is here.
June 1st I began my journey.  My “Traveling Light” Journey that God has called me to.  I began with Traveling Heavy!! :)
As Usual, I have purchased tons of coffee, syrup, and chocolates to take as gifts. I didn’t even know it all can weigh so much.  I over packed, and although my bags had so much more room in them, they were overweight – what else is new?  As I was checking them at home, they were all 54, 52, 57.  I kept maneuvering the items, and praying that the extra pounds will disappear.  As we got to the airport, the prayers continued, and others have joined in asking God for a smooth path.  By a Miracle, the first bag was 50 upon check in, the second was a bit over, but she said: “I’ll let it go,” and the third was fine as well. The first miracle – upon Many that I am expecting!! J
Please continue praying for us, as Zina and I make our way to Moscow, for a 5 hour layover, and then to Kiev.  Where we will have to pick up all our bags and go thru customs.  Please pray that the custom people, will not get so upset with me having so many gifts, and will not want to claim some gifts for themselves.  Then we shall get on the train, and head to Kishinev, Moldova, where Slava Grin, our dear friend shall meet as at the station.  That is the plan, but then again, “Many are the plans in a (wo)mans heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” Proverbs 19:21

As we proceeded thru security, we saw that the way to our gate 38 is Stair Only Access.  “Welcome to Mother Land” I said to Zina.  Here we Go.  Stairs, Stairs and more Stairs.  J
Let the climbing begin!

Thanks Girls for Driving us to LAX. That was the Best Stop with my two favorite places!! :)

AEROFLOT has changed not only their outfits to ORANGE (just for me:)) but they have extremely improved on their service and their airplane was upgraded too.  i now strongly RECOMMEND flying AEROFLOT!!! :))

Of course Russia Welcomes us in Moscow on our Layover with ORGANIC VODKA.  hmm. is there such a thing? 

posted from moscow airport BEEline FREE WiFi  :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i am happy you made it safe to Moscow,, i hope all will go well in Kiev,,, and organic vodka- eto samagonka,,
