Thursday, May 26, 2011


When do we have it?  When do we give it away?  Who may possess it?
Are you trustworthy enough to receive it? 
Am I?
What a gift trust is.  When one person chooses to give it to another, it's risky.  It’s vulnerable. 

I have realized that I am privileged in getting it.  So many trust me with their pain, their heart, their past.  What a gift to have a glimpse into a person’s beautiful mess of a heart.
I am honored.
Humbled, to be trusted.
Then the question arises: “Who do I trust?” 
Have I been withholding my most sacred possession?  My heart.  
I just willingly withheld some of my trust.
Fear of rejection?
Not being accepted?
Losing control over their response?
Why do we hide behind our things?
Clothes, friends, cars, jobs, shoes, phones, stuff…  We hide our hearts.
Why do I hide? 
Ministry, doing good things, serving, and giving.. I hide my true self.  I clutter my heart with many things not realizing that what I want most, I now can’t fit.
There is no room – because of things we never use, useless little things take space that’s meant for so much more.
As God began to strip me of these earthly things, its scary.  Because that leaves me with nothing.  Nothing to hide behind.  Nothing to distract myself or others with.  All that is left is me. 
What I carry around is a mere reflection. It’s a body, a soul – that is in transformation.  It's work in progress.  It is not done.  There is much to do, much to fix, to mend, to clean and restore. I want the earthly to be gone.  A lot has already been done, yet more awaits.  The work continues.  The Carpenter is at His best, remodeling my heart – a mess. I am under construction.  God has the blue prints, of what he intends.  The ground is broken.  The work begins... 
As I trust Him more, as I deposit my heart into His care, the fear of rejection has to flee because I am accepted by the King of Kings.  The One who matters most of all, and in His hands my heart is whole. It’s safe.  And so I can show it to all.  Well, for others to really see “ME” they must come with me to Him, for the true core of Who I am - is in His Hand.

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