Monday, May 16, 2011

Playing Cars

Today I played with my nephew.
My brothers son.
I can’t believe the life we live. 
When we were kids my brother would refuse to play dolls with me, so I spent my childhood playing cars with him.  Today I was reminded of that, when my brothers son, took my face in his little hands, and with his baby accent said: “davai igrat’ v bibiki!”(lets play cars). 
Childs touch.  O, it means so much.  God speaks to me thru kids.  Well, through all things, by any means.  But Kids have a special way to portray His love, or better yet, the love He has for me, His kid, the child of the King of Kings.
Sometimes children disobey.  Sometimes they refuse to play.  At times, David, cries, or screams.  At times runs and breaks some things.  He doesn’t listen always. 
Do I?
He does his thing, without realizing the consequences that it might bring.  Today he took a little pin, and right there in front of me, began to poke it at a plug. 
Yet all day today I am reminded of love.  Thru him, of HiS sweet love.
The Love of God.  So gentle, strong and longing.  Longing to behold my heart.  My God wants me to sit with him.  To simply lean and stay in His embrace.  When David comes, and simply hugs, or leans and lingers cuddled close -the world stops.  The errands fade.  The tasks, the stress, all disappear.  The power of a dear child.

When will I learn?  When will I know, that all my heart longs for, I run from.  God wants for me to stay awhile, yet I run without realizing the consequences of what I’ve done. 
 I want to stop. 
 Stop being ‘mature’. I want to simply be a kid again. 

To trust.
To play.
To stay.
To laugh.

To love. 
To simply be.
To simply be – me.
Like our Davidka.
There is no place I’d rather have him be,
Than right here, on the floor,
Playing cars with me.

my Mr. Handsomeness

1 comment:

  1. Наташ this is very nice. I think you mailed this to me. But reading it on the internet with color pictures it's very special. You should Definatly do more writing.
