Thursday, May 19, 2011

My 29.5 Birthday Party

The FACEBOOK event invitation stated:

I am selling all my things and Following Jesus where He leads!!
Come for this Special Event in my LiFE!
Find out what God is up to, and celebrate my “almost 30 birthday!”
This will be Informative/Fundraiser/GoodBye & Celebration Party!
-          Big Birthday Cake & Tea Provided!! (no food)

Please DON”T bring any presents (since I am Truly Getting rid of ALL my things) bring some $$ though – cuz you might want to ‘purchase’ something.. ;) or to Ble$$ me for where God takes me!!
There will be things to buy, cake and chai, good ol’ songs, and time to say good bye!

May 13th, 2011 (exact date of my 29.5)

So, the party!

What a blessing!

God is continuing to do Miracles, through provisions, and blessed presence of friends in my life. 
Stasik & Irchik have opened their home, their yard, for me to clutter it with all my stuff. 

My sweet sister was in the heat of the day sorting and prepping all the things out for display.  And it was Great FuN! J

Like Stasik said: “These are not just things, this is ‘LIFE’.”  And True That! 

 I could not recognize myself at how easy it was for me to offer the things for FREE to anyone who wanted them. All little things that used to represent me, that were part of my ‘identity’ were now being given away, or thrown away. 

Only GOD alone can do such a miracle!
It was the sweetest time with friends.  As most know by now, Quality Time is my heart language, and we all spoke it well through the evening.  Sitting around having tea, being surrounded by people that have somehow impacted my life, was the bestest gift I could have ever received. 

Fire pit was lit in the middle, and we migrated from the table to sit around it, like at a camp fire, or a worship night during college years and sang all the songs molodosti –of our youth years. 

Sweet memories were being replaced by the present moment, that quickly became a memory.

I am loved.

That was the conclusion of the evening from the Lord to me. 
And I am loved regardless of the things I have, for I have nothing to bring. Nothing to offer to the King of Kings. 
I was reminded that something we all possess, can not be sold, bought, or stolen.  
Can not be stripped, ripped, or broken.
Can not be moved. 
Will not be replaced.
For all I can bring to the King of Kings, is all I have within me. 
Wherever He will lead, I will always bring with me, and generously offer to those I encounter, the most prized possession to Him – ME. 

....with all the donations, and congratulations... God provided $1300 through your generosity, my friends! Thank you! :)

next morning.... ...

...........the afterparty...


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