Wednesday, July 20, 2011

reality check in Florida

The world is getting smaller, the older I get.  It amazes to meet people along the way, and be reconnected with them years later.  Being invited to Florida, thru a gal I knew in college days, proved to be such a gift to my soul. 

 As I came back from Kiev, and had a week in NYC to recuperate and prepare for a week of speaking to 60 teenagers at a Teen Bible School in Jacksonville Florida, I began to experience similar discouragement attacks that I used to have as I began working full time in the Pregnancy Center ministry.   
The fierce arrows of lies were the same:
“What do you have to say?” 
        “The task is too big!” 
   “Who will listen to you anyway." 
“You are so rusty in doing this, you have not spoken for months.” 
          “You don’t even have anything to offer.” 
And on and on.   
The enemy is not creative in making up new lies, however the reality of the once he sends are pretty vivid, and they do plant DOUBT.  How I hate that.  That week was so difficult, filled with a vivid fight within my heart.  It didn’t help that I forgot all my computer cords and my hard drive with my power points in Ukraine.  I had to completely rely on the Lord this time.  Like FULLY.  And here I was fighting such spiritual opposition.  It was not new to me; I was able to identify the lies for what they were, but knowing what they are, didn’t alter my ‘feelings’ right away. 

I realized that choosing to focus on the TRUTH, is like making yourself run stairs to the top of the Empire State Building.  It was extremely difficult.  Yet I understood that God was giving me an incredible opportunity to speak His Truth to 60 young souls.   
What a Gift!   
Such an Honor!   
I was being entrusted with young hearts, and a chance to help them learn and identify the lies that the world was shoving at them.  Lies about sex, and relationships, about choices and their own personal value.  Regardless of how I felt, I stood up and took up my shield of Faith, and Sword of the Spirit which is the word of God.  I claimed the promise of God that the Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me, to proclaim freedom for the captives (Isaiah 61:1). And packed my bags for Florida.

Little did I realize how God wanted to spoil me there.  Besides the comfortable room I stayed in, a car to drive and daily visits to the beach, the teens receptiveness of the message was the biggest reward.

From the first day, seeing the beautiful faces of young people, eagerly hanging on the words I spoke, was evidence enough of Gods purpose in all of this.  I was entrusted with hearing some of their stories, and my heart ached for how hard it was for them to navigate the corrupted world they lived in, without any support, understanding or guidance from their parents, who were extremely distant from teen reality. 

Even now, I can see their eyes in my mind, so young, and full of life.  Pure innocence tainted with the sinfulness of the world.  Living in a dump, it is extremely difficult for young people to keep their paths clean. 
Every day, after class I was humbled by a standing ovation as I walked out of the classroom, and headed to the beach to pray for their precious hearts.   

The walks on the beach with the Lord, proved to be my lifeline during the week of this battle.  Sitting in His presence, breathing the freshness of the air, I was comforted by a renewed passion to be bold in proclaiming truth in the face of worldly deception.   Remembering the respect teens displayed and readiness to listen the stories and facts that I boldly shared with them gave me strength for the next day. 

 The week went by all too fast.  On the plane, as I was reading their little thank you notes written in my book, I couldn’t hold back the tears.  The REALITY that our teens, 13-16 year olds, are in need of Recovery more than Prevention, is hard to accept.   
  I continue to pray that the seed sown in their hearts, will find fertile ground and that they will take active steps in plowing the weeds of the enemy. 

 These are just a few, from the LONG list of replies to the question of “What will you remember FOREVER from the week with Natasha”:
-          Sex is good as long as you’re married
-          The world is knocking the price down
-          Sex is only Great in God’s way
-          Don’t wait for the perfect person, Become One
-          Treat guys/girls like you would want your spouse to be treated
-          It is not impossible to be a virgin for hands & lips
-          If you find a guy that wants your body and doesn’t even protect you, RUN!
-          God wants you to have the best sex ever!
-          Sex is great only in Marriage!
-          U-Turns are allowed in life
-          To start training now!
-          All of her funny stories!


1 comment:

  1. WOW! Наташ, получаю большое удовольствие от твоих уроков. Вот только почему-то не могу подписаться на тебя:) Не могла бы ты подписаться на наш блог, может я тогда смогу через твою подмиску подписаться:)
