Sunday, December 6, 2015

i AM the Slavic Community

(This is a post I was stirred to write as I was reading comments in the Christian Slavic Ladies Group on Facebook.  This is geared TO those of us within the Slavic Community..)

I guess this is the culture where we are more prone to read Facebook posts and blogs than any other educational and inspiring reading material.  So this is a great platform for thought provoking discussions. 

One of the latest posts I read was a lot of venting about the SLAVIC COMMUNITY.   The closed, sin-keeping-a-secret, pushing girls to get married so young, keeping young people uneducated, truck driving, showing off in their Mercedes, etc., etc., 
I have had my years of being mad at the Slavic Community and all its dysfunction.  And you know what the real fact is?  I AM the Slavic Community.  And so are You!!

We are all contributing to the community one way or another.  And so if we want to see change – WE MUST CHANGE. 
You see that girls are being pushed to get married young?  So many of you state that you all got married young too.  (Sorry, but scientifically the brain continues to develop until Mid 20’s so anything under 25 is considered young, and rational thinking isn’t fully developed until then.)  But the question now is how are YOU going to raise YOUR DAUGHTERS and SONS?  Are YOU going to encourage them to get education, or continue to strive for the Slavic Culture Lifestyle, of truck driving, construction working, medical assisting, hygienists and not much more?  Are YOU going to continue the cultural pressure of marriage and the “sale rack” and “clearance” mentality? (someone stated a quote that if you are over 25 you are on the “sale rack” and if you are over 30 you are on “clearance”).  It starts with You, and Me.  WE need to humble ourselves first. 

You and me are the Generation IN THE WILDERNESS.  Our parents are part of the Exodus.  God has moved the people out of Slavery, and so it might take our community 40 years until the older generation dies out (sorry to say), but because they continue to look back at all that they had in ‘Egypt’, their traditions, their way of life, their enslaved thinking and their unwillingness to trust God in this journey to the new promised land.  We are in this transition.  This is all we know.  We see the problems in our community that stem from the previous generation.  But are we making it any easier for the next?  We have it easy.  Manna from heaven.  Our parents tried so very hard to give us what we did not have.  Gods blessings are evident daily in so much materialistic wealth that we possess. The community is filled with fancy car driving, constantly shopping, more and more things acquiring aspirations.  Oh yeah, and we build huge church buildings too.  We lack nothing.  We are so well taken care of that we do not even realize it.  This is all we have ever known, just like children of the wilderness.  But what about the NEXT GENERATION?  What legacy are we leaving them? 
God IS trying to get our attention.  The attention of OUR generation.  US in the wilderness.  We have so many young people dying in car accidents, drowning and overdosing.  The generational hidden sins are being revealed.  Sexual addictions, dysfunctions, abuse, perversion, to name a few.  We need to agree that WE NEED HELP.  We need to ask God to Search OUR hearts, and see if there is any hurtful way in ME (psalm 139:23).  We need to allow Jesus to come in and REMODEL our lives.  And let me tell you, that Carpenter!! He will!! He has been waiting.  He has been standing at the door and knocking!!  It is written to US, the believers.  It's the message To The Church  “Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and REPENT, I stand at the door and knock.” (Revelation 3:20 Emphasis added)  Will YOU let Him in?  Will I?

Monday, September 22, 2014


pro·cras·ti·nate verb \prə-ˈkras-tə-ˌnāt, prō-\
: to be slow or late, to put off intentionally the doing of something that should be done.
: to delay doing something until a later time
: putting off impending tasks to a later time, sometimes to the “last minute” before the deadline

Isn’t it just like the Lord to put off, and delay something that to ME is so important and that I think should be done? 

Who else has experienced this?
Who has prayed, and waited, and trusted, and anticipated, and it seems like God just keeps putting off accomplishing something that is so crucial to me. 

Who else has noticed this?
Our God likes to procrastinate.  To INTENTIONALLY put off doing something.  He likes to wait, and wait.   He is not in a rush.  Time is all His. In fact, He is outside of time therefore it doesn’t really matter how long things take in our time measurement. 
He likes to WAIT.  And He wants us to be like Him. 
So He is constantly making us practice.
He is a great procrastinator.  J
Not one of those unreliable people that actually never get around to doing something they promised.  But He delays INTENTIONALLY, and ALWAYS Fulfills.  And it turns out to be RIGHT ON TIME, doesn’t it!?
So does that mean that my deadline is wrong or His? Who is off here, Him or me?

During His intentional delay my faith is being stretched, and depending on the strength of that spiritual muscle – and how often it is exercised, it can either hurt, or feel good, when stretched. 

I am humbled to realize and acknowledge that this faith stretching at the moment is actually feeling good.  Like stretching muscles after a good workout.  This latest stretch of faith feels amazing!  It hurts just a little, but its good kind of hurt.  One that I know will produce perseverance, and maturity.  Contentment of the deepest kind.

....anticipating to see how God comes thru this time with His delay. :)

Thursday, April 10, 2014

SMBS 2014

This year in March, I had an incredible opportunity to be part of the Slavic Missionary Bible School in Jaksonville, Florida.

For a week I was able to be a student and sit in on the Lectures of Johannes Reimer.  Staring at the backs of 80 young people and listening and observing the information alongside them.

Reimer is a very radical and practical teacher.  It was a blessing and encouragement to realize yet again the tremendous need for counselors within the slavic christian community.

The following week I had the honor of looking straight into the students faces and share with them some of my favorite subjects of personality development, Gods design for sexuality and communication / listening skills.

Sharing what God has taught me over the years has been a passion of mine.  It is inspiring to see young men and women from different places and walks of life, together in one room, out of their comfort zone, and eager to learn.

Their sometimes sleepy eyes don't cease to reflect the depths of their souls.

I was encouraged by their receptiveness and touched by God Himself thru those short days with this incredible class of 2014.
A special place has been carved in my heart for these young people, and I can't help but continue to lift them up in prayer, as I follow some of them on Facebook.  They are now actively preparing to go to the nations with the Great News that Jesus saves!!

Bless you beautiful people of SMBS 2014!!

and i also had an opportunity to share with the amazing TEENS of the Living Stream Church.  
Love Love Love young People!!!! :)

Monday, December 16, 2013

my gift from Jesus

 Since the time God called me to quit my job and work for Him alone, He has been ‘training’ me in this new position.  Initially He was teaching me the truth of Mathew 7:8 “Everyone who asks, receives.” He was training me in being bold in asking or making the need known and watching Him meet it through other people.  For the last few months though, He has been teaching me another truth: "make your wants known to God" and watch HIM answer.  (Philippians 4:6AMP)

As I am sensing that the season is changing in my life and I am going to be DOING ministry again I began to pray for an upgrade in my computer.  The previous one that I had, was a miracle in itself.  It was given to me, from the Lord through someone almost 3 years ago, and has served incredibly well.  But it is a bit slow, and needs upgrades and virus protection installed among other things.  Since I am not techy at all, I have had several friends who have been trying to convert me to a MAC for a while.  So I finally agreed.  I began to pray about it.  Wasn’t sure what I was to do, and was contemplating posting on facebook the fact that I need a new computer and asking people to pitch in for it.  God has taught me to ASK, so I was going to do it.  But since I am learning this NEW lesson of ASKING JESUS ONLY, I was reluctant.  I decided to not tell anyone, and ask Jesus alone! 

I surrendered and said that since I work for Him, and He is my Employer, I choose to be satisfied with the computer I have.  But that if He chooses to, I would LOOOOOVE to have an upgrade.  A MacBook Air 11 inch (easy to fit in my purse for all my travels).  But that would have to be a miracle, like someone handing me the laptop, or giving me a check for $1000.

Laying it in His hands gave me peace.  Choosing to be content with what I have also gave me peace!

THE NEXT MORNING, I was meeting with people I haven’t seen in a long time.  All of a sudden, I get handed an envelope… with a CHECK for $1000.  I got tears in my eyes, realizing that Jesus is giving me a new computer, THE NEXT DAY after my request! THAT is a MIRACLE!

In a couple of days, God provided an opportunity to purchase a computer from a friend.  So I have the computer I wanted, without paying taxes, and warranty for 3 years included.  Only Like God, to EXCEED my expectations in His faithfulness. 

He is Beyond Good!
Rejoice with me!!!!
As this is a confirmation from Him that my season of rest is ending, and I am ‘back in business.’
Back in His business!

Monday, November 18, 2013


When was the last time you have REALLY checked your MOTIVE for your various commitments or for doing whatever it is you are doing?
Are you doing something becuase you WANT TO? Or, is it because you HAVE TO?
Just this morning I have realized that the Lord is waiting for my Willingness.  That my agreement to do something is no longer out of OBLIGATION but out of WILLINGNESS.
Doing things out of willingness instead of obligation. Wow.
Thats Freedom!
That's GRACE!
Not because you have to, but because you want to.
The Lord came to earth to save us - not because of an obligation - but because of LOVE, because He wanted to.
And I just realized that He wants me to LiVE and do the same. 
To Truly live.
Not because "I MUST."
But because "I GET TO."

Monday, September 10, 2012

sealed lips

I remember a time when our little nice Anna would chatter nonstop. We were driving, and all of a sudden she was quiet.  My friend Larisa laughed and said:  “We found a way to keep Anna quiet for a little while.”  I turned around and asked little Anna a question.  Hardly moving her lips she said: “I can not talk now, I have lipstick on my lips.”
I have been speaking for a while now.  I have been doing seminars for a decade.  Different audiences, different topics.  For the last 5 years I have been speaking about Gods design for Sex.  That is one hard subject to undress.   
I have begun to come in terms with how God created me, the personality He gave me, the love for people, the boldness in sharing, the desire to spread His truth, the confidence on stage, the compassion for others hurts, the intercession on peoples behalf…
All these things He has instilled, and has been slowly unveiling.  As I have finally consented, as I have humbly accepted that what God wants from me is courage.   Courage to stand against the tide.  Courage to speak His truth and Might, to point to Him against all odds.  In all of this excitement and final acceptance of my design, He has simply, peacefully, firmly, all of a sudden asked me to STOP SPEAKING.
How can this be? I am a speaker, and to stop speaking, is to really stop all I’ve been doing.  He has asked me to STOP DOING, and learn to Just BE. And thus I must quietly, concede.   
I have complied.  With difficulty, I denied an opportunity to serve. To minister to parents, youth, to speak to people His Mighty Truth.  It’s hard to do Gods will because it often doesn’t make sense at first, yet in the end, obedience is better than sacrifice, to our Lord.  
Recently as I have regretted some of the things I said. I have realized that my consent to Gods request has put me on His terms of Rest.  
There is no more authority in my words.
That was humbling to realize that the strength and impact of speaking comes from the One within, and at His choosing.
For a season, He wants me to listen, and not to speak, to remain silent, to seal my lips.
Oh Lord, please forgive me, that I am a slow learner.  I hear your words, I want to obey, but at the first opportunity to practice silence, I speak and fail your request.    
My lips are sealed!!
Maybe I shall wear lipstick, and like my little niece, be reminded that I CAN NOT SPEAK!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

off radar

As I embraced Gods call to silence and Real Rest, I was washed over with a longing to hide. 
To really escape.  To run away. To be alone.  To be without a phone!
My phone is such a link for me. It keeps me connected not only with friends and family, but with teens, and people in general.  There is no distance or time or space with an internet in my hand.
When I travel I feel like I always have a crowd with me through the facebook app.  My camera and instagram have replaced my big Nikon and digital Cannon.  I do more work on my phone than I do on my comp. 
And so, as I began to accept Gods call and my need to really rest, I realized that I wont be able to unless I completely abandon my computer and iphone too. 
I was dreaming to escape to the coast where there is no service. That’s always easiest instead of putting your own will to the test. 
The circumstances seem to forbid such escape.  Yet my heart still longs to seclude itself.  To cut off all communication with the rest.  No emails, or facebook, no talking and No Texts.  To go completely ‘under the radar,’ for a Real Rest.
Don’t know when or how that will be.  But I want this cut off from the world and full serenity!
 I want my SEARCH to be for the Father above, oh how I long to be RECONNECTED with His great Love.  I want to HIBERNATE in His sweet embrace. I want to CHARGE up with His power, His Word and to just seek His face. 
In this seasons lesson of “just be” I want to run away into His SECURITY.  There seems to be some VIRUSES that I picked up along the way.  I want Him to INSTALL His will and purpose, to SAVE His Truths deep within my system, REBOOT me completely, so I can RUN like new.
So, if you will not receive any answers to my texts, if you wont see any posts, or pictures on facebook, than know that I have finally DISCONNECTED and went completely Undetected – off radar!!!