Thursday, August 25, 2011

no manna on a sabbath

Exodus 16:25  "Eat it today,” Moses said, “because today is a sabbath to the LORD. You will not find any of it on the ground today.

During the actual Sabbath day – it is hard to FIND the manna on the ground. Well, it is impossible – because it is NOT there. I was wondering why it is hard for me to ‘hear’ the Lord as I used to, during my ‘normal’ life. But Now – I see that during rest we must do just that – REST. Lay low. Stay quiet. Sleep. Pray. Read. Spend time with God, in His presence is PEACE. But that also means that there is no WORK to be done.


It’s like I WANT Food. I want Revelations. I want the freshness of His Word.

But there is NONE.

I keep searching for it. I must live on what I have gathered before. I must eat off of that. I must trust the Lord to give me more when this season is over.

I am trying to hear from God – but just can not. I was growing wrestles because of how I was feeling. Feeling “Distant” and “Still.” In this stillness I have realized that I have learned to hear Gods voice among the noise of everyday stresses. I am so used to the ‘long distance’ relationship, filled with a busy schedule and sneaking away and find moments with Him. To seek His presence was a task, an effort on my part. Now, I am constantly in His presence, and I do not know how to hear Him when He is so near. I can’t. The silence and stillness is somewhat deafening.


Although this is foreign territory, I am surrounded by incredible peace without and within. He said: “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” (Ex33:14). And I AM Resting. Possibly for the First time EVER. In His Presence there is Rest. Peace.

“He MAKES me lie down in green pastures..”(Ps 23:2) Against my will, He is making me be still. I’d rather be surrounded with people. Serving, loving, listening, praying. Yet He isolates me. He knows more of what I need, as I am His stubborn little sheep.

I thought this was a time for me to get strong. To gather new information and insight from the Lord, upon what He will have me do. Instead, His word sais I can NOT Gather during a season of Rest.

I can not Gather Now, for later. There just ISN”T anything available. This gentle realization came in a form of revelation. It calms my Spirit. THANK You Lord! Thank You for speaking this to me. I want to embrace this time and chew on all that You have given me prior to this season.

This also is reassuring because I know this ‘day’ will pass and I will have to ‘work’ again. Work in His Kingdom. Work for His Glory. And more, fresh MANNA will be given to me then.

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