Isn’t that a little rough? DEATH – because they don’t rest.
Put them to death because that's what they are doing anyway without rest. Without reflection and a renewed perspective they are going to grow tired, bitter and angry at everything and everyone because they are not taking the time to rest and reflect on the One who is bigger than this life and who raises our awareness of the eternal goals of our meager existence.
Have you been 'dying' because you do not fulfill the Sabbath commandment by any chance? I have. I am realizing I Have. We are slowly putting ourselves to death when we do not obey Gods command to REST! I am realizing this now that God has called me to a prolonged rest prior to giving
me the next step in ministry.
Twice in one day I was asked: "Natasha, when is your Sabbath?"
Reluctant truth had to come out: "I don’t have one.”
I was too busy doing ministry. The work of the Lord is numerous and His people are hurting and in trouble... How can I take time to just sit around?
“You mean you defy Gods commandment to do His kingdom work?"
The Holy Spirit pierced me to the core of my being. He has not relented ever since with the grave need to learn and fulfill this command. I MUST - if I am to be obedient and useful in His kingdom.
Leviticus 16:31
"It is a day of sabbath rest, and you must deny yourselves; it is a lasting ordinance."
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