Tuesday, August 30, 2011


The sermon Sunday night was about Gods way of communicating with us, or answering our questions.  Typical information was given about God sometimes affirming our requests, sometimes denying them, or making us wait.  Then it was said that God sometimes is SILENT.  That it is His way of communicating also. 
I know that all too well. For He has often been Silent with me.  To be honest I don’t like it.  I much rather have God speak.  I love it when I can hear Him and sense His direction.  The sound of His sweet voice signifies His close presence, and attentiveness in my life.  I enjoy that. 
I usually start doubting when God is silent. I start analyzing what has happened.  Why has He turned away, what makes Him not respond to my requests and search. 
As I heard the preacher say that God uses Silence as a form of communication, I had a flashback. 
As we trained new volunteers for counseling at the pregnancy center, we always have taught them one of the major skills of counseling, is using SILENCE.  It is a powerful tool.  It provides an opportunity for the person to explore the issue further, to go deeper into their own heart and express more of what is going on.  It is a means of getting their ‘head’ connected with their ‘heart’.
SILENCE. “Never underestimate the power of silence,” we would say. 
And it hit me: If WE use this powerful tool of Silence in Counseling, why would not THE COUNSELOR be using Silence – with me????

1 comment:

  1. Very awesome! just by reading I learn a lot too. Thanks for writing and God bless you in your journey of rest.
