Wednesday, April 13, 2011

"BE STILL - you'll catch the connection"

When was the last time you were STILL?
Your phone showing “NO SERVICE” or “SEARCHING?”
Fully, completely, far away.
DISCONNECTED from “the world,” from mundane order of things: errands, traffic, emails, all of it. 
Out in nature. 
When was the last time you sat quietly in God’s creation, watching wild creatures enjoy their habitat?  Animals enjoy Life, while we humans, the Crown of God’s Creation, are robbed of simple content.  It has been replaced with deadlines and bills, freeways and credit cards. 

This past weekend I was away in the most beautiful location “The Lords Land”.  It truly was – the Land of our Lord.  Beauty of the coast, magnificence of the ocean waves, sea lions showing off when they noticed us watching.  To top off the serenity, we saw a whale, floating like royalty, displaying his relaxed grand mass, just swimming on by without a care in the world. 

And here we were, mesmerized by the sweet natural beauty of life, reluctant to move, praying for time to stand still, not wanting to return to the reality of everyday life. 

Days like that are such sweet reminders of the importance of REST that God mandated for Our Own Good.  Because it is only when we are fully, completely “DISCONNECTED” that we really ARE “CONNECTED,” Plugged In - to the Life Source of it all, the life that was intended for us….from the beginning. 

In our hectic life, we often lose the sense of Who is God, and Where is God.  We can’t hear His voice in the midst of all the noise. 
It’s only when we are STILL we know that HE.  IS.  GOD.
When we are Still,
we know  HE   I S !!


  1. Beautiful! Where is this place? maybe I'll get a chance to visit one day.

  2. Wow! Natashinka, thank you for sharing this! I love reading your posts.
