Saturday, April 23, 2011

Two Birds

“Look at the birds.. are YOU not much more valuable than they?” (Matthew 6:26)

As Rolka and I sat on the steps of a park in a busy city, two birds landed and planted themselves next to us. Two Free Birds.

 Here is my Twin Sister and i.
We met in college.  It didn’t take long for us to realize that we are Twin Sisters.  Not by outward appearance by any means, but having Identical Souls & one Spirit.  The Spirit of Our Lord.  
Walking thru life for the last decade (literally) we cried many tears, prayed tons of prayers, and marveled at Gods sense of humor in our lives. 
We stand by each other as He continues to teach us to be His Mature Daughters. 
Here we are, both at a Crossroads of Life, yet again. 
God has called my friend to move and be a missionary in Europe.
God has called me to sell everything and live like a gypsy.
Why, oh why must we be separated to different continents of the globe?

She is a teacher.  Miss Popova:) 
This week was her, long awaited, Spring Break.  She came to spend some days with me (so clearly speaking my ‘quality time’ Love Language).

Walking the streets of San Francisco, possibly for the last time in a long time, we had no agenda, but to chit-chat about the work of our God.
Think about Life. 
How often do we follow that dream inside our soul?  Why is it even there?  What is up with the constant dissatisfaction of how things are?
Never enough $.
Mountain of bills.
Praying for a raise, a new car, a better home.  Asking God for health, family, protection.
We have great hidden FEAR to look deep down inside our heart: “What if He will call ME to be an EXCEPTION???”
Often like Peter, when hearing from Jesus, “Follow Me!”
We turn around, looking at self, others, strangers, we’re quick to reply, just like Peter to Jesus, “Lord, What about him?” 
Why does God not call my neighbor, my friend, or my brother? 
Why not a man?
Why not a pastor?
Why single girls?  Why US? The Twin Sisters?
Why not to one place? Or at least to a somewhat close existence? 
Regardless of query that lingers within me. 
To all the 'WHY' questions, Jesus gently answers:
“What is that to you?  YOU must follow ME.”  (John 21:22)
We’re both convinced of this whisper from Jesus!!
Regardless of where the response will lead us.

1 comment:

  1. This was a pleasure to read!!! I've always admired the way you express yourself Natasha! We will miss you and never forget you <3
