Saturday, April 30, 2011


“Some people come into our life and quickly go.  Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts….. and we are never, ever the same.”
Why does this sentimental statement have to be so true?
As my days at Alternatives are ticking away, I can’t help but grieve the oncoming separation.  Separation from the people that have left a lasting imprint on my heart.

It’s one thing not ever knowing the impact that my word, touch, hug, concern, has had on someone else’s life.  It’s quite the other for me, not having enough words or ways to express to someone the influence their presence has had on my soul. 
My heart is sad.
You, my friends, have taken permanent residence in my heart.  Your trace will always be with me, wherever I go. 
There has been much Oxytocin released with all the intimacy we have experienced together J.  lol.  We have a bond.   
I will extremely miss:
The inside jokes (esp about our brochures) that make us laugh every time. "Keeping the STD’s out of reach of children!” "We haven't had oral sex for sometime now."  “Where’s the porn? I need it for this weekend.”  among others…
The talks.  The tears.  The hugs.  The prayers.  The ache we feel for one who stepped onto the road of pain with her option.  The joy we feel for the LiFE Choice of another.  I never thought the decision of a stranger could spark such an emotional response in me.
Often, only those that have been in the trenches of war together understand each other…. And we have been in the trenches!  Although I am being transferred to another battle front – you all will always be in my prayers. 
I will never forget the thousands of Happy Hours at the center with you. 
……Until next time @ APC, Sushi, Panera, or Chevys. J


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ah Natasha...I know how you are feeling- so bittersweet. Much love and prayers go with you as you tramp around for our sweet Lord.

  3. Wow...that was beautiful Nathasha! How lovely on the mountains are the feet of them that bring good news! Good for them and bittersweet for us indeed. I wish I'd gotten to know you sooner you amazing young woman of God!!

  4. TRAMP awhile...n den u come bak...u no go away for-ever...b our hands n feet 2 places we no go n take us wit u...wit ur cameras n ur posting n ur facebook...all da memoreez n gud tings u have learned wit us will go out n spread...plant ur seeds n let dem be brought forth...luv uuuuu my sweet ruzziannnnnn
