Wednesday, April 6, 2011

traveling light

Years ago a friend of mine, as a joke, began a story about me: “So, Natasha, packed all her things into a lunchbox…”  Little did I know what he said was prophetic. 
The Lord is uprooting my life. 
For those of you who know me, you are familiar that I am ‘crazy natasha,’ one that does not ‘sit still.’
I am convinced that God knows who will say 'yes' to certain, outrageous assignments.  Several years ago, as I began to speak about Sex, Love & Relationships, I was in wonder at the sense of Humor of God, to use “ME” of all people to talk about such topics.  Today, I am quitting my job, just so I can be available to go anywhere, and speak to anyone, about GOD, SEX, and what He taught me about Sex (and other things).
I am a ‘hoarder’ by nature.  But God has made it clear to me that I must “Sell everything & Follow Him.”  I have been already throwing away binders from, get this - High School, and am looking forward to a new season in my life.  
Traveling Light.
Come with me.  (click follow J)


  1. Ahhhhh! Natash! I love love LOVE what you are doing! My WHOLE HEART blesses you and your WHOLE journey! May He take you WHEREVER He wants! EXCITED for you!

  2. And away we go my little miss. We are praying for wisdom and clarity as you listen for His voice. GO get 'em tiger!
