Friday, April 8, 2011

my letter of resignation

November 14, 2010
Dear Executive Director & Board,
This summer, one early morning, during a weekend conference where I HAD to be, I accidently got stuck on a train going somewhere I LONGED to be.  God clearly showed me through that adventure that although my heart will long to continue going on, I must yield to the announcement to ‘get off the train’ and not linger in order to escape unnecessary detour in my walk with Him.  Therefore, I am writing a formal resignation letter now that I have gotten a clear ‘announcement.’ 
It has been an honor for me to be serving the Lord at APC these last 3.5 years as the Client Services Director.  My life belongs to the God, and I am blessed beyond words for what He has done in me through this time at Alternatives.  I know that in His Sovereignty God has placed me in this position for a season, (to be glorified in my weaknesses) and He has made it clear to me that my season is coming to an end.  I am very excited for what God has in store for APC, as the medical services stabilize and expand, but He has made it clear to me that I must ‘get off the train.’
This ministry has been permanently engraved in my heart. I have been shaped beyond words during my time here, and I wish every child of God would experience the healing and growth that I have, being soaked in His presence at the center daily. 
For sometime now, I have been praying for the person that is to take over Client Services, and want to assist in the transition period as much as I can.  I can stay with Alternatives until May, and can consider The Walk, on May 14th my last formal day with the center.
I did not want to stall in making this announcement in order to allow as much time as possible for transition. 
My primary goal now is to finish what I had begun and what I had sensed the Lord directed me to do.  Because I wholeheartedly love this ministry, I want to leave as much direction and encouragement for those that follow. 
Thank you for allowing me to serve on the frontlines in the Lords battle. 
“To Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work in us, to Him be the glory” Eph 3:20
For LiFE,
Natasha Kosachevich