Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Organic Life

Waking up in the morning, and the only thing I hear is myself breathing. It’s quiet.  We are in the Ukranian village, far away, secluded, simple, still.  It’s lovely.  People live here.  People survive, and they are fine.  The eat fresh food that they raise themselves in their little yards, they have chickens, and unprocessed milk from cows they or their neighbors own.  No one is worried that they will get food poisoning or sue the cow owner.   
It all tastes different. 

 As organic as you can get.
The cherries off the tree in the yard have little worms in them at times.  Little worms.  When the fruit is sweet, fresh and without any pesticide it is attacked by worms.  They want its natural goodness.  This makes me think if what we have in the States is any better.  Yes we do not have the worms or bugs but they are killed by chemicals and thus the products are all chemically induced. 
And what about our faith? What about our organic state of the heart? 
Are we so pasteurized and chemically induced in order to keep the ‘worms’ away that our own natural, organic state is changed.  The taste of it is changed as well.  The taste of Faith, of Christ, and His church is altered.  Interesting that the worms attack the sweetest fruit.  The fruit that is naturally flavorful.  Are we doing it any good that we are so chemically processed that we are no longer natural and do not strive to be filled with the real juices of the Holy Spirit, which will cause opposition and attack.  We are all the same.  Equal.  Sterilized.  Processed.  To produce equal product.  Quantity is what we seem to strive for.  We can supply the world with our fruit, yet is it good? 

Our Dinner!!

Cisinau - Kishinev, Moldova

Stefan Chilmare - the most famous spot in Kishinev, that we would always meet at. 

my favorite people

vstrecha s Litnevskimi :)
Girls Tea party 2 days before the Wedding.

Guys Hang Out. Same time & place as girls tea party. 

Saying Good bye to our dear Mr & Mrs Kitsen.    

Our time in Moldova has been One Huge Blessing.  The week before the wedding was extremely relaxing.  Staying in the beautiful home of the Bride’s family, we truly enjoyed sleeping in, and eating in, and just relaxing spending time chatting on the balcony. 

The custom is that people spend most of their time outside during the summer, they even have ‘summer kitchens’ where they cook during these months, where we gladly joined them. 
Everywhere we stayed welcomed us with open arms.  Most of these people have a gift of hospitality, and all of them continuously tried to feed us something.  Tea is a given, and plus with that is all kinds of yummy good food, that we have missed so much from childhood, so we continued to ‘taste’ all the food.  It’s delicious and hard to resist.  We spent many hours chatting about life.  It was a blessing to be surrounded with people who as well are experiencing the call of the Lord to uproot and move as missionaries to unknown to them location. 

After their honeymoon, Alik & Olya are moving to Chukotka to serve as missionaries in the north pole.
Olyas parents, are moving to Ekaterinburg, as part of the team that is relocating there to plant a church and begin ministry in the big city. 
The Grin brothers (Maksim & Slava) with their families are also moving there and all the conversations right now are about the change that is about to take place.
The Mokan Family that we stayed with are also part of this team.  The conversations involved talks of selling their homes and belongings and uprooting completely from Moldova. 

It was a privilege for us to hear all their stories, their testimonies and how the Lord has called them to missions.  What an honor to be surrounded by people who answer the call, who say YES to the Lord.  It’s extremely encouraging.  Here was Zina & Larisa who are preparing to move to Spain to serve as long term missionaries.  And myself, as God is uprooting me from everything familiar and calling me to be mobile, and possibly visiting all of these places, and others, to go wherever He sends me, with the message of Hope, Truth, Love, and Life that HE desires for His creation. 
It was a gift from the Lord for us to be surrounded by people who are devoted completely to Christ’s commission. Having such people in my life, fuels the drive to go out and live boldly for God.  Although soon we will all be separated by thousands of miles, our hearts burn with the same passion for Christ, and His mission to spread His good news of salvation. 
Wherever on the planet we will be, we know that we belong, because we are part of One Big Family of the Lord.  We are siblings by the blood of Jesus.  We are one in Him.  Whatever difficulties I shall face anywhere on earth, I know I have people who will understand, encourage and support me, even if they are across the ocean and accessible only via SKYPE or Facebook. 

It is a Small World, God holds in His hand. 

A & O

First time I was a grooms-maid in a wedding.    
It was such an honor for me to be part of my friends wedding.  This amazing couple, has experienced supernatural blessings and miracles.  The way they were introduced was a miracle.  Meeting at the ‘end of the earth’ literally, after answering a call of the Lord to step out into the unknown, leaving behind their chances for a good life, the possibilities of meeting someone, and comfort of the western world.  Yet, those who follow God where He leads, are never disappointed.  God had His mysterious ways to introduce these two wonderful people to each other, on a secluded island where they ended up as they walked in faith. 

The miracles they have encountered prior to their meeting and since, are too numerous to list.  However I am honored to have front row seats into their lives, and share in the joy of God’s provisions and presence in their life.  It was such happiness to see how God provides, and rewards those who trust Him.
Their FIRST Kiss at the wedding, is a testimony to many, that those who Trust in the Lord, will Never be ashamed.  I shall share their story of trust and devotion, to God and to each other, with many future generations. 
True Love only comes from Above, and God has plenty of it to share with all of us.  Waiting & Believing – is all that is required. 

my poem to them i read at the wedding.. (sorry no translation available)..  

Что пожелать можно двум людям чудным
Когда Творец их жизнь уже давно продумал мудро
И быть на празднике этом славно
Какя честь мне разделить его с вами – правда!

Вы так любимы нашим Богом – честно
И всех чудес что испытали вы – пересказать сдесь просто не уместно
Вы дети Бога, Создателя земли – Царя Небесного
И ваша жизнь Ему принадлежит навеки – это нам известно
В Его неисследимых Божьих планах – Он свел вас вместе
И все что можем мы, так это Ему воздать хвалу и честь

Бог есть любовь
А вы, сокрыты в Боге
Его любви познания безгранично
И только Он поможет сохранить любовь друг к другу вечно
А я смотря на вас уверенна в одном:
Наш Бог – есть Бог Чудес!
И я желаю вм – чтоб ваша жизнь, всегда была сплошное чудо – в Нем!!



Friday, June 3, 2011

Mourning Tour of Kiev

Since I don’t have much time in the city, Katya our friend, did a quick drive by for us to see at least some of the pretty ancient city.  It was surprisingly empty and no traffic for 8 am, yet lovely.   




We stopped by Coffee House for a quick breakfast before heading to the train station a block away. 

 The first 3 choices of what we wanted the response was “We are out of that.”  How typical of the mother land. 
Regardless of the answer, we had a lovely morning, and now safely on the train, sliding merrily along on our way to Kishenev.

When we got all our bags on the train, and settled, we noticed that a man in our compartment had a book “Life of Jesus Christ.”  Asking Him if he believes in what he is reading, we began an incredible long conversation about life, and missions, work, and church, with a fellow brother in Christ.  How awesome is our God that He has provided another Christian for us on this journey.  We were inspired by His stories of the work God is doing through him in the villages around Ukraine, and believe that it was mutually encouraging for him to meet with.  How Small is our world, and it all belongs to our Incredible Father, and He chooses to introduce His children to each other, sometimes in the most random of circumstances. What a blessing.

Light of His Presence

I was gifted this little devotional book as a good bye gift.  With all my luggage already firmly packed I was contemplating whether to take it with me.  Then stuck it in my purse among other several books, journal & 2 bibles (eng&ru).   
When I was on the airplane I finally read the devotion for June 1st.  Since I have been anticipating this day, as the beginning of this new season of my life I was excited to see what God had in store for me.  Now imagine as I was preparing and praying for the baggage overweight, flight, customs, questions, foreign country, etc. and this is what God had in store to tell me… may you be blessed by these words as well:

June 1st. “I AM INVOLVED in each moment of your life.  I have carefully mapped out every inch of your journey through this day, even though much of it may feel haphazard.  Because the world is in a fallen condition, things always seem to be unraveling around the edges.  Expect to find trouble in this day.  At the same time, trust that My way is perfect, even in the midst of such messy imperfection. 
Stay conscious of Me as you go through this day, remembering that I never leave your side.  Let the Holy Spirit guide you step by step, protecting you from unnecessary trials and equipping you to get through whatever must be endured.  As you trudge through the places with Me.  Thus the Light of My Presence shines on you, giving you Peace and Joy that circumstances cannot touch.” 

  I have been touched by this little book every day on this journey so far, and want to share with you.

June 2nd.  “RELAX IN MY HEALING, holy Presence.  Be Still, while I transform your heart and mind. Let go of cares and worries, so that you can receive My Peace.  Cease striving, and know that I am God… It is through knowing me intimately that you become like Me.  This requires spending time alone with Me. Let go, relax, be still, and know that I am God.

God has called me to REST.  He has been speaking this to me in all kinds of ways and forms for the last few months, and this was just a firm confirmation that He is very Serious about me resting.   

The warm welcome in Kiev, the peaceful lovely morning in the beautiful home where we stayed, the serenity of the early morning (woke up at 4:28am – the joy of switching continents) all proved to be a part of His magnificent provision for my rest.   

I was not sorry I woke up so early,  spending quite moments in such a gorgeous location in His presence can Never be compensated with any amount of comfort or sleep. 

June 3rd.  “I WANT TO BE CENTRAL in your entire being.  When your focus is firmly on Me, My Presence displaces fears and worries.” 
How incredible it was to read these words surrounded by such vivid beauty.  The Lord provided all the surroundings for my heart to so willingly respond to His call of rest and trust. 

The peace that settled deep within my heart I will treasure throughout this entire journey.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Pounds Disappearing

The long awaited day is here.
June 1st I began my journey.  My “Traveling Light” Journey that God has called me to.  I began with Traveling Heavy!! :)
As Usual, I have purchased tons of coffee, syrup, and chocolates to take as gifts. I didn’t even know it all can weigh so much.  I over packed, and although my bags had so much more room in them, they were overweight – what else is new?  As I was checking them at home, they were all 54, 52, 57.  I kept maneuvering the items, and praying that the extra pounds will disappear.  As we got to the airport, the prayers continued, and others have joined in asking God for a smooth path.  By a Miracle, the first bag was 50 upon check in, the second was a bit over, but she said: “I’ll let it go,” and the third was fine as well. The first miracle – upon Many that I am expecting!! J
Please continue praying for us, as Zina and I make our way to Moscow, for a 5 hour layover, and then to Kiev.  Where we will have to pick up all our bags and go thru customs.  Please pray that the custom people, will not get so upset with me having so many gifts, and will not want to claim some gifts for themselves.  Then we shall get on the train, and head to Kishinev, Moldova, where Slava Grin, our dear friend shall meet as at the station.  That is the plan, but then again, “Many are the plans in a (wo)mans heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” Proverbs 19:21

As we proceeded thru security, we saw that the way to our gate 38 is Stair Only Access.  “Welcome to Mother Land” I said to Zina.  Here we Go.  Stairs, Stairs and more Stairs.  J
Let the climbing begin!

Thanks Girls for Driving us to LAX. That was the Best Stop with my two favorite places!! :)

AEROFLOT has changed not only their outfits to ORANGE (just for me:)) but they have extremely improved on their service and their airplane was upgraded too.  i now strongly RECOMMEND flying AEROFLOT!!! :))

Of course Russia Welcomes us in Moscow on our Layover with ORGANIC VODKA.  hmm. is there such a thing? 

posted from moscow airport BEEline FREE WiFi  :)