Tuesday, September 6, 2011

breakfast with Jesus

I love breakfasts and especially those that Jesus shows up to Himself. Most of the time it is when I am with a friend.
Talking, being transparent. Real. Genuine.
I guess Jesus likes the Truth.  He dwells in it.
Where there is truth - Jesus can be seen.
He gently comes and joins our conversation - even leads it!
It's so amazing to sense His presence at Those Kind of Breakfasts.

Sometimes I like to sneak away for breakfast with only Him.
It's Him & I.
The Word of God. For He is Word. And He is God.
He speaks.
Sometimes I don't understand.
I chat.
His patience has no end.
He loves. His peace flows to my heart.
All is well, He is near.
Sometimes I feel distant but His promises are true.
I live by faith and walk not by sight, but by belief and trust I've built in Someone who for now is unseen. Yet I believe and I am Convinced - that my Redeemer LiVeS!!
Today it was just Him and I. 
tomorrow.. i shall have another one of Those Breakfasts! :)

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