Friday, September 16, 2011

love my new journal

I journal A L OOOOOT and I love my new journal.  It’s nice and thick and lines aren’t big.  The world map is perfect to reflect this season of my life.  But more than all that I love how it came about.
Three years ago I was in Seattle for a seminar.  There was a young girl there for only a day.  She actually left after my first session.  She stood out to me.  We chatted briefly over dinner.  I was drawn to something within her.  She was a typical teenager, but in her eyes, I saw that she was not typical at all.  There was so much depth to her soul.  She left, but I could not forget her in my prayers. 
This time I came to Seattle for a month.  With no seminars planned, and a clear schedule.
In camp a young lady comes up to me, and as she smiles, I can clearly see that it’s the same girl, that years ago left an imprint on my soul.
We set up breakfast dates, and in those morning hours, Jesus Himself spoke to our hearts thru each other. 
It was simply ExtraOrdinary!! ;)
It is rare to encounter a kindred spirit in a ‘stranger’.  It’s fascinating.  The little things we were similar in brought many laughs and goose bumps.  God spoke and it touched our hearts. 
She wanted to get me a gift.  A Journal, by any means. 
Journaling is my language of the heart.  We chose this specific one.  It represents the journey that the Lord’s begun.  As I left the country, and endured on this uncertain trusting path, I shall be reminded of a life so beautiful, unfolding, a butterfly in a cocoon, still forming. 
This journal will always be next to my Bible. Next to me. 

1 comment:

  1. Nat, I finally sat down in a silence of my room to reread this post... it brought tears to my eyes. Today was one of those days when I really needed to be reminded of why I do the things I do. Thank you. Thank you for all of your kind words and such amazing, warm memories. This is, indeed, extraordinary. Thank you once again. You're in my prayers all the time and I hope your stay in Russia is blessed and fruitful.

