Friday, September 16, 2011

public speaking

To be honest, thru this month in Seattle God has been teaching me what it means to ‘Rest in Him, and to Walk Confidently in my gifting.”
 I love people. I love speaking. I love the public.
I love public speaking.
And most of all I love Jesus. 
He has been teaching me to rely completely on Him, because He has a message for His people.  I am only a microphone that He chooses to use at this time.
The last few days of my stay I had speaking engagements every night. 
And I enjoyed them.
These have been some of the funnest talks I have given.  I felt peaceful and confident.  I know God has called me to this, and I want to stop demeaning the ability He has given me to share my heart and what He has taught me, to be genuine and raw on stage, to just BE ME. 
Funny how when I walk in obedience to the Lord, using what He has gifted, people are impacted, God is glorified, and I get to ENJOY it in the process. 
God has given me the gift of confidence on stage, and I love it.  There I said it.  I really LIKE sharing with people!  Sharing His truth, and just talking about Him.  I love Him, so I talk about Him. J
I truly, really, greatly, enjoyed these last few opportunities of sharing.  I don’t remember the last time when I had so much fun. 
Is it because I am rested? Or is it because I AM Resting?
I think the latter.

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