So there is a “first time for everything” as my sister commented on facebook status that stated: “NEVER HAS THIS HAPPENED TO ME BEFORE, I MISSED MY PLANE THIS MORNING!”
Now, for the first time, I officially missed my flight. I overslept!
My friends in Seattle have relentlessly talked me into coming to their kids camp. They have graciously pitched in funds to purchase me a ticket, and the time has come for me to actually fly out of New York into Seattle.
My very responsible friend that I was staying with asked me the night before if she should set her alarm, to take me to La Guardia for my 6:30am flight. Not wanting to burden her with yet another task I said: “Oh no, don’t worry I’ll wake you up!” That night as I ‘almost finished’ packing, I set TWO alarms. ‘Just in case’ I thought. Never the less as I squinted my eyes in the morning noticing that its already LIGHT in the room, I have grabbed by phone, only to see 6:02 on the clock.
As I was brushing my teeth I had a wave of panic coming on but I said to myself: “Nope! I Choose to TRUST!!” We were in the car in minute and began our drive thru New York City traffic.
We pulled up to the terminal at about 6:47. I couldn’t believe this was happening and just kept praying that God will go before me and direct everything. As I stood in line to speak to an agent for over an hour I read the Prime Time devotions that I get daily thru email and it said "God has a specific plan for the people who fully trust in Him.”
I had many thoughts running thru my mind. I kept thinking how crazy it is that all these people pitched in for my ticket and now it's gone. I didn't pitch in anything for it, and now paying a fee to change my ticket is probably what I have to do, but that I don't have any money to pay for it and that I don't even have a job to "just charge it" which I always felt free to do before because I could always pay it off later. But this is a different stage in my life now that I am still getting used to. This “not relying on self” and not being so “self sufficient” business is NOT EASY!
I kept thinking about all this, and just praying calmly. What am I going to say when I get up to the counter? I couldn’t text anyone on the west coast because it was 4am their time, so I opted out for sending prayer request messages to my friend in Portugal, and my friend in Texas, whom I figured would probably be up feeding her newborn. I especially couldn’t text my friend in Seattle who arranged my whole flight because I felt terrible and just didn’t know what to say.
My turn to step up to the counter, I looked in the eyes of the lady before me and said: "I missed my flight this morning" and gave her my ID. She started clicking away on her computer . I quietly said: "I'll take anything - even if it will take me 3 days to get there" (‘even if I have to go thru Alaska,’ I thought). She kept clicking on the computer, and then printed the tickets. Handing them to me she said: I put you on standby.. And there HAS to be a seat! Do you have any bags to check in?” I said No, because I usually try and take all my stuff as carry on to save on paying for baggage check in.

I started heading to security still stunned that I didn’t have to pay for anything. I only had one experience in Russia, where I missed my flight because of weather conditions in the North Pole, and I HAD to purchase another ticket for $1000 then, and it was NOT MY FAULT. Here it WAS MY FAULT and I didn't have to pay at all! (no logic in this whatsoever).
As I got to security the lady checked my ID and pointed for me to get thru only to notice my bulging suitcase. She said: "You HAVE to check this in, it's too big! Go back up to any counter and check it in."
I walked back thinking I have to pull out my credit card to pay for checking in my bag. I thought - well paying $30 is good enough when I didn't have to pay any fee for a missed flight! The lady just looked at my ticket and printed out the sticker and with a smile said: "Enjoy your flight!"
In complete shock I headed to the security check line. At this point I was not worried AT ALL any more, because OBVIOUSLY God has got my back!! What was interesting to me, was how CHOOSING to TRUST has kept me calm throughout the whole thing.
Finally, I have decided to text my friends in Seattle. I have realized that I had so much fear of disappointing them. Because I had a resolution already to the whole dilemma, I had nothing to fear now. They put effort and money into getting me over there, and I just couldn’t call them with such a news until there was a solution. What fascinated me most, was the response I got to my text stating that I missed my flight. I don’t know what I expected but I did NOT expect back a simple “It’s ok. Let’s get you another flight.” That blew me away. Here I was thinking up apologies and just feeling horrible for such a big mistake, and I get in response: “We’ll just get you another flight here.” As in ‘we will pay AGAIN for your mistake.’
I was so glad they didn’t have to. I was so thankful for God taking care of it all. But I also know that my friend has no idea how deep his response hit something in my heart. Jesus Himself was showing me His mercy, grace, and forgiveness thru a simple text message. How often am I afraid to go to Jesus because I messed up? How often do I feel like I am disappointing God, yet again? I try and figure out a solution, something to show for my behavior, actions, thoughts, and He simply states, “It is done!” He has already paid the price. It is finished. It has all been covered by the precious blood of Jesus. I think I still have to ponder deeper on this amazing truth…...
I was first on the standby list, and I surprisingly got an emergency exit row, which means extra leg room! Yippie!!
In Chicago, I caught up to my original plane. Walking up to the gate only to see it already closed after boarding, the plane stood there long enough for me to take a picture of it and that's it. In an hour I was on the next one heading to Seattle. It seemed like weeks have passed, but it was only that morning that I was in New York and here I was on the opposite coast driving with another sweet friend thru Seattle traffic, processing out loud the events of the day, finding deeper meanings in the whole adventure.
This made me think, how amazingly God uses people as His instruments to work in other peoples lives, and how these instruments have no idea what incredible healing work the Father is doing in His children, thru them ‘Just being’ who they are. As God continues His “Just Be” lesson with me, I have to believe, that He is also using me as a tool in His hand, regardless of His command for me to STOP DOING and serving, and speaking, and leading, and simply BEING.
For all this and more. I am truly thankful.
(“ ‘JUST BE’ LESSON” blog– coming soon!)